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Calico Cats!

Twilite was a foster who was adopted by one of my daycare parents. This parent also brought Ghost from Mississippi. Both of these cats came over regularly for kitty day-care and eventually ended up spending more time here than at home. I took them to foster again but when it was time for adoption, Skip said no, so we decided to add them to the brood. Twilite's nick name is Psycho, because like most tortie's she has a split personality! Lovable one minute then nibbling and clawing the next! She is a sweetie though.


Opal was found in the back of a milk delivery truck! She was rescued and brought to me when only 3 days old. I had a nursing mother at the time, Jewel, and she graciously accepted Opal as a member of her litter. Opal is waiting for a permanent home. If you'd like to adopt this little cutie, please send me an e-mail or fill out my adoption application.

Opal & Pearl

Opal & Bug

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Calico and Tortie Ring
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