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Own a Home With HFHI-ECSD




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Own a Home with Habitat ECSD!

A Brief Overview of Habitat

What's Happening with Habitat ECSD

Habitat for Humanity International

Thank You!

Would you like to own a home, but feel that the opportunity is not available to you?

Our Family Selection Committee uses the following guidelines when selecting Partner Families:

*You Currently Live In Inadequate Housing

    Some examples of inadequate housing:
  • Your house does not have working heat, plumbing, and/or electricity
  • Your house is not structurally sound
  • There are not enough bedrooms
  • You are afraid to let your children play outside
  • You pay too much for rent

*You Are Willing To Partner With Habitat

Owning a Habitat house is a lot of work. You must invest at least 300 hours of sweat equity into your home and other partner families' houses. You must also complete our educational program.

*You Are Able to Pay for a Habitat House

Habitat does not give houses away; we sell them at cost. You will repay the loan with a no-interest mortgage. We require a satisfactory credit history.

*You must live in Lake or Moody County

*Your total income is not over 50% of the Lake/Moody County median family income using 1999 figures

  • One-person family
    • $20,700
  • Two-person family
  • Three-person family
    • $21,900
  • Four-person family
    • 23,100
  • Five-Person Family
    • 24,300
  • Six-person family
    • $25,500
  • Seven-person family
    • $26,700
  • Eight-person family
    • $27,900

    If your income is within this range, you may be considered to become a Habitat Partner Family!

    For an application form, please call 256-6904