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My Favorite Helga Quotes

From Arnold`s Hat

"All I wanted was the hat and world domination but right now just the hat."

"Out Of My way Fat Boy"

"ewwwww who said you could touch Me!`"

"Are you trying to make me sick or something?"

"I will never wash these close again."Splattt!"Ewww!"

From The little pink book

"Those poems weren`t meant to be seen until I am dead and buried and worms have comsumed my flesh ."

"I`m in his room the place I have often visited in my dreams."

"Ohh My gosh what is that shampoo?"

"first spitball of the day football head."

Helga On the Couch

"What are you looking at?"

"Hey who`s the skirt?"

"So i hit him so what?"

"Brainy he doesn`t mind I do it all the time.What?You would sock him too if he was standing behind you breathing."

"That`s obvise Bob."

"I love Arnold Arnold Arnold I want to have a faubalous life traveling around the world with him!Coffee in Paris I want the whole the whole nine yards,I want to have a perfume named after us Arnold Helga! I Love Arnold!!!!"

"Hey look Brainy this is just weird how is it that your standing behind me again how did you get in this little arch,where You waiting for me to come into this alley whats your deal?So I am not gonno hit you this time today I`m feeling genourous but tommorow look out."

Helga Blabs It All

"Boy I`m feeling goofy you know this Arnold guy he`s been on my mind morning,noon and night for the past six years I mean think about since I`m currently nine years old that is fully two thirds of my young life is that crazy or what?

"Why do I torture myself by keeping it all a big secret why noit just tell Arnold?La La La La La ."

"Hey why am I telling you all this you don`t even know the guy i`ll just call that adorable little football head right know and tell him myself."

*Phone rings she gets answering machine.*

"Hello Arnold this is Helga yes Helga G.Pataki the girl that worships you yes wastes days of pashonit thoughts about you ohh my angel sweet love ohh how I lo....AHHHHHHHHH!"

"Ohhh brother why doesn`t everyone I know just show up so they all can spend the rest of there lives in this hallway?"

There`s more quotes to come so stop by again