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Welcome To the Happy Page!

On this page you will find a small selection of the few things that still make me happy or at least distract me from thinking too much about those things no-one should really think about too much.Take a look around!(I know the black background may not be exceptionally happy but the page really looks bad on a different coloured one).

Tina the Troubled Teen

Enter your very own buzzwords term and hit "Buzz!"

Some really fun pictures

Create A New Dead Song

Joke Search

Don't Click Here:)

Amazing Facts

Check this out it's really fun my record so far was 49...try beating that!!
Test your skill. How many boxes can you check in 20 seconds?

A Kiss Just For You!

Click here to ask the fortune teller a question.Neat Stuff!
Your question:
Your fortune teller says:

Since I live in Holland and all now ..let me present to you my little firend :Herbie!*lol*

Oh Look! It's the dancing baby!

Stop child abuse. Down with the Teletubbies!

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