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Tired of problems
Tired of stress
Tired of wanting,
Tired of needing to cut,
Just so I can cope
With this pathetic life of mine
Sick of the dam cuts and bruises on my body,
That I cant live without
Sick of ‘friends’
Telling me that im a freak
Sick of this godamed freakin’ life!
Why won’t it go away?
I keep cutting
With knives and razors
Going deeper and deeper,
Hitting myself with my fists,
With metal, wood,
Samming myself into the walls-
-But the dam pain won’t go away!!
Im doing everything that I can To make it go away
But it wont!!!
And im sick of it!!
Sick of fighting off the urge to cut!
Sick of trying to get this
Goddamed depression to go away!
Sick of fighting these inner demons.
I can’t take it anymore,
I think im losing my sanity.
I can’t stop thinking about suicide,
Can't stop imagining myself committing suicide.
What do I have to do?
How can I make it all go away?

© Natalie

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