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Questions for God

Did you experience pain
when you created joy?

Did you suffer for creating life?

Have you failed us
Or are you silently teaching us?

Do you know the oppression
of your beauty?

Do we also need to forgive you
For creating ecstasy
with a life draining side effect?

Am I closer to you
Or farther
from the experience of my existence?

Was it bittersweet
when you formed me?

Did you cry for me
in your knowing?

Is the rain truly your monumental sorrow
meant to revive?
Are mighty winds
the storms of your frustration
with the imperfections of your creation?

Is your rage released
in the breaking and quaking
of your Earth?

Is your joy expressed
in the sun
shining so bright
we cannot look?

Where is it that forgiveness is sought?
Do you whisper an apology?
Whisper in the falling leaves
of a gentle wind

Whisper in the eyes of men
Who yearn for compassion
Yet another expression of you?

And when you whisper
Will I forgive?

© Tracy Sanders

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