headstand prep
ardha shirshasana
Headstand prep improves memory and concentration,
nourishes facial skin and hair,
relieves organ prolapse, and stimulates the crown
This pose improves circulation and simulates the
immune system.
From the table position, bring the crown of the
head flat to the floor.
Slide the palms back a few inches until the elbows
are bent at right angles.
Tuck the back toes under and straighten the legs.
Walk the toes in until you can carefully lift the
right knee and place it on top of the
right elbow. Carefully place bring the left
knee to the left elbow.
Let the weight of your body primarily on the crown
of the head, using the arms for
additional support and balance.
Breathe and hold for 3-6 breaths.
To release: exhale and carefully step one foot
back to the floor at a time.
Bring the knees to the floor and press into child
Place a folded blanket under the head.