bound angle
baddha konasana
Bound angle opens the hips and chest, lengthens
the spine and stimulates the reproductive, nervous and respiratory systems.
From a seated position, bring the bottoms of the
feet together with the knees bent out to the sides, and interlace the fingers
around the toes.
Inhale and press the hips down and reach the
crown of the head up towards the ceiling.
Drop the shoulders down and back and press the
chest towards the front.
Press the knees down towards the floor to open the
Keeping the back flat and the chest open, exhale
and gently pull your torso forward.
Close the eyes and stare up at the third eye /
sixth chakra. Breathe and hold for 3-8 breaths.
a) Place folded blanket under the hip bones.
b) Round the back, bringing the forehead towards the toes, relaxing the head
and neck.
c) Slide the feet 1-2 feet forward and bring the arms under the ankles and
interlace the fingers around the toes. Round forward, pulling the forehead
towards the toes with the arms.