prayer squat NAMASKARA ASANA
Prayer squat opens the hips and improves balance,
memory and concentration.
From table position, tuck the toes under and walk
the hands in towards the feet, keeping the knees bend and bringing the hips
pressed down towards the heels in a squatting position.
Walk the feet a little further apart until the
torso is not resting against the thighs.
The feet can either be flat to the floor or the
toes can remain tucked under.
Slowly bring the palms together in front of the
heart with the elbows pressing against the knees.
Use the arms to press the knees apart, deepening
the stretch in the hips. Stare at one point on the floor for balance.
Sink the hips down towards the floor and reach up
through the crown of the head to lengthen the spine.
Roll the shoulders down and back and press the
chest towards the thumbs.
If possible, close the eyes and look up at the
third eye, the point between the eyebrows.
Breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths.
To release:
a) bring the palms to the floor and straighten
the legs, pressing the hips up towards the ceiling into a forward fold.
b) inhale and press into the feet, slowly
straightening the legs lifting up to standing.
c) bring the palms to the floor, walk them
forward and lower the knees to the floor coming back into table.
Place one hand on the floor between the toes if
you cannot balance with both hands up.