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half lotus forward fold
Half lotus forward fold improves balance and concentration and stretches the hips, knees, legs and shoulders. From mountain, shift your weight to the right foot and slowly bring the left foot up into half lotus position (foot above the thigh with knee bent to side). Reach the left arm around your back and hold onto the left foot. Keep the shoulders down, the chest open and the hips and chest facing forward. Inhale the right arm up towards the ceiling. Let your gaze drop towards the floor, staring at one point for balance. Exhale and slowly fold forward, bringing the right palm or fingers to the floor. Keep the standing leg straight, press the bent knee towards the back wall. Let your gaze move to the right knee and gently pull your forehead closer to your right leg. Breathe and hold for 2-6 breaths. To release: slowly inhale the right arm and torso back up. Exhale and release the arms and leg. Repeat on other side. Use a yoga strap looped around the foot and held with the hand. | |
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