half pyramid
ardha parsvottanasana
Half pyramid deeply
stretches the back of the leg, calms the mind and emotions and stimulates the
third eye.
From table position, step
the right foot between the hands, bringing the right knee directly over the
right ankle in a low lunge.
The left knee and foot rests
on the floor.
Exhale straightening the
right leg, pressing the hips towards the left heel.
Round the spine, pressing
the forehead to the right kneecap, lift the right toes up towards the ceiling.
Soften the elbows, relax the
shoulders, neck and face. Breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths.
To release: inhale and bend
the right knee back over the ankle, and exhale bring the right knee back to
the left in table position.
Repeat on other side
Place a folded blanket under
the knees to protect them from pressure and stress.