The hero deeply opens hips and knee joints and
stimulates digestion, elimination and the reproductive system.
From the table position, cross the right leg in
front of the left, and walk both ankles out to the side walls.
Slowly walk the hands to the tops of the feet or
Slowly lower the hips down to the floor or to
your heels.
Stay here or exhale and lower the forehead to the
knees or all the way to the floor.
Breathe deeply and hold 3-8 breaths.
To release: slowly inhale the head and torso up,
release the hands from the legs and walk the hands forward coming back into
the table position.
Repeat other side.
a) place a cushion or folded blanket under the
hips and/or on top of the knees.
b) arms in cow face pose: left fingers between the shoulder blades, right hand
reaches around the back and grasps the left fingers, pulling the arms towards
each other. Repeat on other side with arms reversed.