half warrior
ardha virabhadrasana
warrior opens the hips and the chest, straightens the legs and lengthens the
downward facing dog, step the right foot forward between the two hands, with
the knee directly over the ankle.
Gently lower the left knee and foot down to the floor.
Inhale the arms slowly up to the knee, and then all the way up over the head
in an H position or with the palms together.
Press down into the right foot and the left knee, drop the shoulders down from
the ears and press the chest open.
Breathe and hold for 2-6 breaths.
release: exhale and bring the palms back to the floor on opposite sides of the
right foot and step the right foot back into down dog.
Repeat on other side.
place a blanket under the knees.
b) place both hands on the bent knee.
c) with the arms raised, arch the torso back and look up at the ceiling.