by Katherine Heller
I glance before me at a shell,
A shadow of who you once were.
No light
No hope
And unease.
You see death as your trap door,
I see death as your doom.
You look at yourself from the outside,
You see nothing.
I look at you from inside,
And I see a chance.
You look Death in the face and cry for attention,
I look Death in the face and spit.
As you walk closer to the edge of oblivion,
I watch from a distance -
Miles between us -
And ask you to stray no farthur.
You laugh and walk closer - slow but certain.
My heart carries me out to edge,
And I stand beside you looking into oblivion -
I too hearing it's call.
The fear in my heart draws you away slightly,
But as I back away, you return to it's luring song.
Crying and thrashing,
My attempts to distract you are futile.
Your eyes only focused on oblivion,
Your heart whimpering uselessly,
Your head only listening to Death's song,
I try once more to awaken you.
You resist and counter everything I try.
I play Devil's Advocate,
Only to have it thrown right back in my face.
I've tried yelling,
And yet you remain on your path into oblivion.
What left is there for me but to watch
And to cry
And to try waking you up when you take a step back.
My hope for you is fading,
My love is still strong,
But is it enough
To wake you from
Death's promises
And return to me
As you once were?