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KSA Statements


These statements provide greater detail about my knowledge, skills and abilities:



I. Ability to write and edit text for print and non-print media. 1

II. Knowledge of the principles of writing and the stages of production. 2

III. Knowledge of reference sources and research techniques. 3

IV. Knowledge of publishing concepts including methods of presentations and design of information. 4

V. Ability to communicate orally. 5


I. Ability to write and edit text for print and non-print media.


Daily, I write and edit technical and business documents, online media and reports, which communicate: system requirements, system related policies, procedures, standards, and product features and benefits. I spend about 30-50% of the day writing. The rest of the day is spent on tasks such as research, meetings, data entry, proofreading, estimating and scheduling, and administration. Examples of the kinds of documentation I produce are:


·         Life-cycle Documentation - Life-cycle documentation refers to documents associated with the Software Development Lifecycle. I have managed and written documentation for every phase of the cycle. An example is my work with ProEdit (1/01 to 8/01). I wrote a functional specification document during the planning phase, which detailed the requirements for a new application by Extreme Logic. This document was based upon information gathered primarily from interviews and existing documentation.


·         Marketing Collaterals - Marketing collaterals include documentation associated with public relations activities (materials promoting the features and benefits of a product, articles, press releases, etc.). I have managed and written several projects of this type. An example is my work at Brokat Technologies (6/00 to 6/01). I wrote and edited content for brochures, press releases and media kits; high profile collaterals used to represent Brokat’s products and services worldwide.


·         Computer-Based Training (CBT) - CBT courses facilitate distance learning and give the learner control over the learning experience. I have managed and authored several projects of this type. An example is my work at Spire (3/98 to 2/00). I wrote a course storyboard which detailed each screen description, action and result. I then used a proprietary authoring tool to assemble the graphics, audio and text into the final product.


I acquired my ability through a combination of experience (7+ years in technical writing), education (48 college semester hours of English and Communications courses), and training (corporate in-house).


My technical and business writing samples can be viewed at:



II. Knowledge of the principles of writing and the stages of production.


Daily, I write and edit technical and business documents, online media and reports, which communicate: system requirements, system related policies, procedures, standards, and product features and benefits. This is the process I follow when producing documentation:


  1. Choose or create a style guide
  2. Plan the project
  3. Determine how to organize material
  4. Gather and review existing documentation
  5. Learn and use the product
  6. Interview key personnel – conversations may be recorded for easier note taking
  7. Gather additional research material based on interviews
  8. Categorize materials, sort for relevance
  9. Draft outline
  10. Verify and clarify (ensure the outline meets objectives)
  11. Additional interviews with same or new personnel
  12. Draft sections/chapters
  13. Draft diagrams; gather screen prints, other supporting material if necessary
  14. Reviews and Walkthroughs
  15. Draft document – fill in topics
  16. Reviews and walkthroughs – this is the review and edit cycle
  17. Finish document
  18. Create TOC, Glossary, Index
  19. Convert to on-line help, HTML, or PDF as necessary


An example is my work with ProEdit (1/01 to 8/01). I wrote a functional specification document during the planning phase, which detailed the requirements for a new application by Extreme Logic. As a member of a technical writing team, this is the process we all followed to create the documentation.


I acquired my knowledge through a combination of experience (7+ years in technical writing), education (48 college semester hours of English and Communications courses), and training (corporate in-house).


My technical and business writing samples can be viewed at:



III. Knowledge of reference sources and research techniques.


Daily, I write and edit technical and business documents, online media and reports, which communicate: system requirements, system related policies, procedures, standards, and product features and benefits. This is what I did at Brokat Technologies (6/00 to 6/01) when conducting research for my documentation projects:


1. Determine the Purpose of the Research - When doing research I am looking for answers, results, making an evaluation, or establishing a principle. I try to find enough evidence to substantiate a thought I have, to persuade someone, or to evidence to dissuade a group.


2. Determine Sources - There are usually two categories of sources I use for research: Primary and Secondary. A primary source usually has first hand knowledge of the topic I am researching. I rely on observation, polls, questionnaires, interviews and existing documentation. A secondary source lumps together all the other kinds of research tools I use. These are usually books, articles, reports, brochures, and even websites.

3. Take Notes - I am consistent and thorough in my note taking. I also ensure copyright rules and evaluate my sources.


·         Examples of my consistency: I always take notes the same way and on the same type of medium. Depending upon the project and setting, I may use a note pad, index cards, a tape recorder, computer, or PDA.


·         Examples of my thoroughness: I use the same format each time. When using book as sources, identify the author, title, publisher, and publishing date of each source. If I use direct quotes from a book, I indicate the exact page number. If I cite sections of a book, I indicate the group of page numbers. I make sure I give appropriate recognition for direct quotes. If I use a website as a source, I identify the website owner, title, and author of any specific information used from it. I also gather the website address and date you found this information. If possible, I print the article or make a screen print of the website.


·         Examples of how I ensure copyright rules: I always check my sources for copyright rules. If the book or website I reference or quote requires I obtain permission first, I get it. I never assume that no one will notice.


·         Examples of how I evaluate my sources - I never accept that what is written on the Internet is gospel. Because the majority of research today is done via computer, I am sure to verify sources to establish credibility and intent. I make sure that the information gathered is fact and not someone’s personal bias. I also ensure that the timeliness of the information is relevant to my research. For example, if I find an article written in 1996 that supports a theory I do not rely on it solely without carrying out further research to ensure that more current information is/isn’t available.


4. Organize the Facts & Ideas - Once I've completed my research, I begin to organize everything.


·         Examples of how I organize: If I've taken notes on index cards, I spread them out and arrange them in an order that best suits the message you want to write. Another way is I cut out each section of notes and then rearrange them just like I would the index cards. If I’ve taken notes via tape recorder, when transcribing the tape, I keep in mind to transcribe word for word so that I won’t have to go back and listen to the tape again. When creating my outline I make sure I've acknowledged clear points and key ideas and placed them in specific categories. Finally, I ensure I've created a logical order for the reader or learner to follow that best identifies the message. Once I have a detailed outline, I begin writing the document.


5. The Final Review - I make sure my final review includes spelling, grammar, and punctuation checks. I don’t rely solely on word processing software for this. I go back to the first point in this checklist and make sure I’ve stated my purpose clearly and supported it thoroughly. I sometimes ask someone else to read the document to see if they understand the purpose. If they don’t, I ask them to explain where they are confused. I never get defensive about criticism, for I have found it helps me to become a better writer.


I acquired my knowledge through a combination of experience (7+ years in technical writing), education (48 college semester hours of English and Communications courses), and training (corporate in-house).


My technical and business writing samples can be viewed at:


IV. Knowledge of publishing concepts including methods of presentations and design of information.


Daily, I write and edit technical and business documents, online media and reports, which communicate: system requirements, system related policies, procedures, standards, and product features and benefits. I begin designing the final product once I’ve determined the scope of the documentation.


·         Examples of determining the scope of the documentation: I first determined who the audience would be. I asked questions like: Is it for a select, advanced user base? The general public? What is their level of education? Age? Gender? Technical knowledge? From these questions, I then determined what topics had to be covered. I considered whether there was a need for a short tutorial or just basic information. I then determined if the steps covered should be task-based (usually good for beginners), informational (just listing the steps for reference), or a combination of both (usually the best way to go). Finally, I decided what level the language should be.


With a clearly defined scope, I then determine the best method of presentation and distribution of the documentation. To describe discrete steps for using a specific feature, I distributed documentation in the form of on-screen help topics. To describe systems rather than tasks, I distributed documentation in paper form (user manuals, white papers, release papers, etc. ). To facilitate distance learning or to give the user control over the learning experience, I distributed documentation in the form of web pages and CBT courses.


·         Examples of how I used methods of design: I employed information mapping principles which aim to provide better upfront analysis, simplify information retrieval, allow easier document updating and improve comprehension and performance. I did this at Hardin Construction (with ProEdit, 6/01 to 8/01) with a user manual by organizing small, relevant units of content into a hierarchy, and labeling each level of the hierarchy.


I acquired my abilities through a combination of experience (7+ years in technical writing), education (48 college semester hours of English and Communications courses), and training (corporate in-house).

My technical and business writing samples can be viewed at:


V. Ability to communicate orally.


Daily, I orally communicate technical and non-technical information and concepts ranging in complexity to various individuals and audiences (in-person and by telephone).


·         Classroom Training - I teach adult students how to use computer hardware and applications. This requires me to be creative and resourceful in getting information across to each student in a way they can understand. Sometimes I use humor and storytelling to get concepts across to them and make them comfortable. An example was my work at Terminix International (6/02 to 1/02). The company was going to a brand new computer system and many of the personnel were not technically inclined. I had to use examples familiar to them in their daily jobs in order to help them understand how to use the new system.


·         Radio Broadcasting - I produce and host a weekly jazz music and interview broadcast on WRFG Atlanta, 89.3FM. The weekly challenge for me is to entertain and hold the audience’s attention through music selection and providing information about artists they enjoy or have never heard before. I often did this with live guests. I like talking with artists and asking them questions on the air because it gave the listeners a good feel for who the artist, making them more inclined to stay tuned and perhaps encourage them to support the artist by buying their music or going to see them perform.


I acquired my ability through a combination of experience (7+ years in technical training; 2 years experience in radio broadcasting), education (48 college semester hours of English and Communications courses), and training (corporate in-house).

My technical and business writing samples can be viewed at: