Lake Champlain
Cold Water Species

Atlantic Salmon Gallery
There are some awesome salmon photos on this page!

Excellent fishing for Lake Champlain landlocked salmon can be found at the Sandbar Causeway Bridge between Milton and South Hero, and at the Hatchery Cove area near the Ed Weed Fish Culture Station at Grand Isle. Other locations worth trying are the Missisquoi River, Lamoille River, along the shores of the Inland Sea, Shelburne Bay and Otter Creek. On the New York side productive tributaries include the Saranac, AuSable and Boquet Rivers. Shore lines from Essex to Westport, especially near Slpit Rock, and areas around Willsboro Point. Check out some salmon pictures and learn a few more interesting facts!

Walleye Gallery
There are few walleye in the lake, and a few in this gallery!

Although the walleye is not really a cold water fish, it is most frequently caught, during summer months, in deeper cooler water or just adjacent to it. Spring is the exception, when they move into rivers to spawn. Post spawn fish can also be found in shallow water on beaches or flats, but as summer approaches fish move out to deep structure and cooler temps. The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Dept. stocked walleye in several tributaries and areas of the lake recently. In addition, they began a new method of tracking the young fish. The University of Vermont is also researching young walleye survival. During summer months Valcour and the Four Brothers Islands are good spots to fish in NY, while the reefs at Colchester are productive in VT. In spring, northern tributaries in both states are good for post spawn eyes. To the south Otter Creek is also a good bet early.

Lake Trout Gallery
Holy Mackinaw! You wont believe how many big lakers are here!

Like all the species on this page, LAKE TROUT inhabit the cold deep areas of the lake. In spring they can be caught throughout the lake at shallower depths. Try along shorelines in early spring, as water warms go deeper, from 40 - 100 feet. In the heat of summer, plan on getting down even further. Lakers over 8 pounds are common on Lake Champlain but they must survive a threat from the sea lamprey which attaches easily to the slightly protected skin of the trout. Kevin caught this one during the 2001 LCI Derby.

Brown Trout Gallery
Click here to look at the some beautiful Champlain brown trout!

This looks like an advertisement for Lund Boats! It could be, we know a good boat when we see one. This hefty BROWN TROUT compliments the boat... and the fisherman nicely. Browns can be found in many tributaries throughout the year and are sometimes caught in the open lake.

Rainbow Trout Gallery (Steelhead)
We caught a few, but don't have enough for a gallery yet!

The RAINBOW TROUT or steelhead, pictured here is a rare catch in Lake Champlain as a limited number are stocked. Note the difference in the tails of the steelhead and Atlantic salmon. The salmon tail has a pointed corners and is forked, while the steelhead has rounded corners and a squared off tail. Steelhead also have a distinct dark/light contrast above the lateral line. Find steelhead in fast water tributaries from late October into winter months. They are also caught in the warmer months in the broad lake. They almost always perform acrobatically for the angler making wild jumps and tail walking maneuvers.

Fish Links

Atlantic Salmon
More about Atlantic Salmon on Lake Champlain Walleye Gallery
More Lake Champlain walleye pictures

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