Fishing Planet Earth
An Angler's Guide To
Fishing The World's Trophy Hot Spots

Fishing Holsteinsborg, Greenland

Giant Halibut

Holsteinsborg, Greenland

Fish here if you're looking for a record Atlantic Halibut.

"As the snow and ice melts during the summer months, large amounts of nutrient salts are transported into the waters around Greenland, and the long, bright summer encourages an abundant plankton growth which feeds the animal life in the sea. The waters around Greenland are therefore some of the most productive seas in the world, with more than 200 different species of fish, crustaceans and mussels. The population is almost entirely dependent on the bountiful harvest it gathers from the sea." Extract in quotes taken from Greenland and the Faeroe Islands, Travel Tips for Greenland


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