Happy Pike 21

Tournament Host at a previous weigh-in

The 2007 "Happy Pike 22" Fishing Derby
will be held Memorial Day weekend, Saturday, May 26th and Sunday, May 27th
Cash Prizes for the top ten Northern Pike!
Register at the Weathercock by May 25th
or by calling 846-7505 or 846-7412
All fish must be taken from Lake Champlain waters
Derby registration includes Sunday's meal!
Fishing begins Saturday at sunrise
with final weigh-in at 8pm at the Weathercock
Fishing continues Sunday at sunrise
with final weigh-in at 3pm at the Chazy Recreation Park
Only northern pike of legal length will be accepted
Only one fish per person per day may be entered

Call 846-7505 or 846-7412 for more information
regarding the Spring Fling or Happy Pike events.
Pictures from the 2005 Spring Fling...

Tyler Brady 1st place

2nd place smoker

Top Five

Scenes from Happy Pike 19...

A nice bag for the boys on the bay!

Two monsters

Lamprey beaten

Fish Fry Anyone?

The Pikettes

The Jr Pikettes

Visit the Weathercock in Chazy, New York to prep yourself for the Spring Fling and Happy Pike fishing competitions!!!

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