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Josh Lyman, the Fish

(July 2001 - October 29, 2001)
Joshua Lyman the Fish passed away sometime between midnight October 29, 2001 and 8:30 am the following morning, cause unknown.

His owner, Laura Dugan, was devastated by the loss stating, "I don't know what went wrong! I changed his water like I have many times before and he was just gone! Mouth agape, eyes blank. It's something I'll never forget."

Joshua was a happy fish, even though he suffered the loss of two wives and one friend, a local monk-fish named John Peck. He is survived by his roommate Mini Me 3.0 who was unavailable for comment at press time.

A prominent member of the Democratic party, Josh is missed by many and will be mourned for many days to come. Fish flakes can be sent in lieu of flowers to local Feed the Fish charities.

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