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Laos Airfield Information
Lima List

As of 18 August 2005

This list documents the "Lima" numbered airfields in Laos during the Secret War period. It includes the larger airfields throughout the country.

The official chart for airfield data for this period was the 1:250,000 scale  Joint Operations Graphic (JOG) introduced into the Indochina area in 1965. The air version of this chart had many airfields annotated with airfield symbology and names assigned by the USAF Aeronautical Chart and Information Center (ACIC). These names did not necessarily agree with the names found in Air America Flight Information documents or local useage. Cartographers (map makers) had their own naming rules. The result was different names for the same place in some cases. There were also airfields on the JOG charts that were not in Air America Flight Listings.  Many smaller airfields were annotated only on the 1:50,000 scale maps known as Topographic Line Maps (TLM) commonly referred to as "1 to 50s" which were produced by the Army Map Service. Finally to further confuse the issue there are several ways to translate Lao names into English. This list attempts to capture all of these various entities.


Airfield Name:  Black names are Vietnam era airfields. Red Italic names are from Air America Flight Listing. (Letters) are Air America identifiers.
Site Numbers:  L airfields are larger airfields; LS sites are smaller airfields or STOL fields and are in a separate list. A few airfields had multiple numbers.
Latitude & Longitude:  Degree, minute, second format.
Elevation: Given in feet above mean sea level (MSL). Sources of elevations vary.
Surface: ASP is alphalt, CLA is clay, CON is concrete, GRE is graded earth, GRS is grass, GVL is gravel, LAT is laterite. Blank is unknown. Derived from various sources.
Runway Length and Width: Given in feet. Derived from various sources.
Remarks: Comments as appropriate.

WARNING NOTICE: The following information is historical dating from the Secret War era. Under no circumstances should it be used in current flight operations. The webmaster and all associates and organizations associated with this web site are not responsible nor liable for misuse of the information. 

Airfield Name
Site #
Elev (ft) 
RWY-L (ft)
RWY-W (ft)
MUANG SUNG (Muang Sung) L01 201904N 1022642E 3300 GRE 1300 100
MUANG OU TAI (Muang Ou Tai) L02 220718N 1014755E 2300 GRE? 3760  140 .
(Xiang Khouang Ville) (LI)
L03 192108N 1032114E 3450 GRS 2650 130
SAM NEUA (Sam Neua) L04 202506N  1040359E 3300 ASP 3700 80 .
PAKSONG OLD (Paksong) L05 151048N 1061417E 3450 GRE 1250 180 .
MUANG KENTHAO, BAN KEN THAO (Ken Thao) L06  174515N 1012332E 830 GRE  2800 120
KHONG (Khong Island) L07 140637N 1054959E 300 GVL 3600 90
WATTAY(Vientiane) L08 175918N 1023347E 550 CON 9850 150 .
MUANG PAK LAY (Pak Lay) L09 181331N 1012442E 740  GRS 1730 90 .
ATTOPEU  (Attopeu) (VV) L10 144838N 1064931E 340 LAT 4050 50 .
PAKSE (Pakse) L11 150755N 1054633E 350  ASP  5300 120 .
. L12 .
BAN TA VIANG (Ta Viang) (T) L13 190114N 1032342E 1100  GRE  1000 130 .
. L14  . . .
PHONG SA LI, PHONG SALY (Phong Saly) L15 214052N 1020604E 4500  GRE? . .
VANG VIENG (Vang Vieng) L16  185527N 1022702E 970 LAT 3800 90 .
SOP HAO (Sop Hao) L17  203325N 1042705E 820  GRE  1400  90 .
. L18  . . .
MUONG NONG (Muang Nong) L19  162225N 1063005E 600  GRE  1480  . .
BAN BOUN TAI (Boun Tiao) L20 212316N 1015830E 1850 GRE? 1200 . .
PHONESAVANH (Phone Savan) (LA) L21 192717N 1031306E 3650 GRS 3150 70 .
XIENG KHOUANG NORTH (Xieng Khouang) (LL) L22 192643N 1030852E 3600 PSP 5400 140 .
SAYABOURY (Sayaboury) L23 191436N 1014232E 950 GVL 4300 80 .
. L24 . . . .
BAN HUOEISAY (Ban Houei Sai) (TT) L25 201526N 1002615E 1380 ASP 4900 75 .
MUANG OU NEUA (Ou Neua) L26 221828N 1014721E 2600 GRE 2900 . .
OUDOMSAY (Muang Sai) (Muang Xai) L27 204052N 1015939E 2100 GRE? 3400 100 .
. L28 . . . . . . .
. L29 . . . . . . .
BOUN NEUA (Boun Neua Old) L30 213840N 1015339E 3040 GRE? 1800 100 .
MUANG PEUN (Muang Peun) L31 201220N 1035233E 3700 GRE? . . .
BAN HAT HENG MUONG PEUN 2 . 201214N 1035301E 3700 GRS . . .
. L32 . . . . . . .
. L33 . . . . . . .
MUANG HOUN (Muang Houn) L34 200827N 1012709E 1600 GRS . . .
Paksane Paksane [1:250] L35 182325N 1034009E 500 GVL 4600 . .
. L36 . . . . . . .
. L37 . . . . . . .
TCHEPONE (Tchepone) L38 164250N 1061128E 700 GRE 4400 180 .
SAVANNAKHET (Savannakhet) L39 163324N 1044534E 500 CON 5350 125 .
THAKHEK (Thakhek East) L40 172402N 1044909E 490 LAT 4350 100 .
THAKHEK NEW (Thakhek West) L40A 172236N 1045144E 520 GRE 2650 100 .
MUONG HAI (Muong Hai) L41 210409N 1014833E 2670 GRS 2000 100 .
MUONG SING (Muang Sing) L42 211039N 1010843E 2700 GRE 3920 125 .
. L43 . . . . . . .
SARAVANE (Saravane) L44 154234N 1062448E 570 LAT 3750 35 Runway width is suspect; possibly is 135.
SOUKHOUMA (Ban Soukhouma) L45 143809N 1054758E 320 GRE 1500 90 .
SENO (Seno) L46 164019N 1050034E 600 LAT 5200 130 .
(Xam Tai) L47 173200N 1054900E 580 GRE? . . .
. L48 . . . . . . .
BAN SANAKHAM (Sanakham) L49 175455N 1014039E 700 GRE 3000 80 .
BAN NA TAI (Ban Na Tai) L50 204125N 1024015E 1130 GRE 1500 . .
. L51 . . . . . . .
NONG KHANG (Nong Khang) L52 203728N 1024015E 3500 GRE 1600 . .
(Ban Ohan Hop) L53 . . 560 . . . Unlocated
LUANG PRABANG (Luang Prabang) L54 195350N 1020934E 960 CON 5400 150 .
. L55 . . . . . . .
BAN HOUEI KONG (Houei Kong) (TT) L56 150750N 1063119E 2880 GRE 1800 80 .
MAHAXAY (Mahaxay) L57 172500N 1051200E 490 . 1500 . .
. L58 . . . . . . .
Muang Sone (U) L59 202710N 1032111E 2350 GVL . . .
MUANG SOI (Muang Soi) L60 201559N 1043123E 1310 GRE 2500 200 .
MOUNG PHALANE (Muong Phalane) L61 164113N 1053239E 570 GRE . . .
MUONG PHALANE SW  (Muong Phalane SW) L61A 163234N 1052903E 500 GRE 3400 100 Reputedly a former SAC B52 post-SIOP "crash" site with 10,000 foot cleared length.
. . . . . . . . .
LUANG NAMTHA (Nam Tha) L100 205737N 1012412E 1968 GRE 4400 100 .
. L101 . . . . . . .
. L102 . . . . . . .
. L103 . . . . . . .
. L104 . . . . . . .
(Ban Than Lay)
L105 171649N 1050429E 500 GRE 1800 . .
MUONG PHANH (Muang Phanh) L106 192616N 1030450E 3400 GVL 3500 120 .
(Wat Phou) L107 . . 400 CLA . . Unlocated
MUONG SOUI (Muang Soui) L108 193118N 1025338E 3600 GRE 5600 110 .
MUONG KHEUNG (Muang Kheung) L109 193818N 1030622E 3500 GRE 3400 100 .
BAN NA KHAI  (Ban Na Khai) L110 193444N 1030206E 3650 GRE 3000 200 .

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