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Raven U-17 Aircraft

Tail Number Listing

This table is a compilation of information concerning the Cessna U-17 aircraft flown by the RAVEN "in-country" forward  air controllers  from 1964 to 1974 in the Kingdom of Laos.The U-17 was the military version of the Cessna 185.  It served as the "other" Raven FAC aircraft. Most were fitted with rocket rails for marking rockets. However it was used for many other missions including pilot training, visual reconnaissance, people haulers, and psyops missions.
The information was compiled from previously researched material combined with inputs from the RAVENs themselves. This project is a work in progress.

Project initiated on 01 October 2004. Last update on  31 July 2007


Black entries are information from the referenced source. Red entries represent my expansion of the initial source information using other source data. Dates in the Who and Entered fields are computer dates without the century (year, month, day). Usually aircraft were referred to by the last three or four digits of the serial number. The bold red shows the association to the serial number. C/n is the Cessna construction number. Question marks indicate the information is probably true but unconfirmed.

Type C/n Tail # Where Who When Comment Activity/Fate Source Entered
U-17A-CE . 64-17796 Bangkok (T09) . 641002 former USAF 64-177796. Assembled at T09 transfer to MAP for RLAF Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17A-CE . 64-17796 T09-T08 AAM Joe Hazen 641026 ferry to Udorn (T08) . Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17A-CE . 64-17797 Bangkok (T09) . 641002 former USAF 64-177797. Assembled at T09 transfer to MAP for RLAF Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17A-CE . 64-17797 T09-T08 AAM Joe Hazen 641023 ferry to Udorn (T08) . Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17A-CE . 64-17797 Vientiane (L08) AAM Paul Severson 651001 . . Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17A-CE . 64-17797 Vang Vieng (L16) . 651011 Erawan markings. TTU photos VA031039 & VA031041 Destroyed at Vang Vieng on takeoff.  Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17A-CE . 65-10853 . . 650528 former USAF 65-10853 transfer to MAP for RLAF Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17A-CE . 65-10853 Vientiane (L08) AAM Paul Severson 651115 L08 to T08 . Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17A-CE . 65-10853 Long Tieng (LS20A) AAM Paul Severson 660104 4-5 January . Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17A-CE . 65-10853 Vientiane (L08) Raven Ed Gunter 690400 Jul69-Feb70 . Ed Gunter in Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17A-CE . 65-10853 Long Tieng (LS20A) Raven Larry Sanborn 710307 Mar71-Apr71 . Larry Sanborn in Leeker U17 file 041001
U17A-CE . 65-10853 Moung Ngam (LS63) Raven Morgan? and u/i person killed 710429 AAM Porter pilot Mulholland killed Destroyed in midair with AAM PC6 Porter N180K Leeker U17 & PC6 files 041001
U-17A-CE . 65-10854 . . 650629 former USAF 65-10854 transfer to MAP for RLAF Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17A-CE . 65-10854 Vientiane (L08) AAM Paul Severson 651013 13-17Oct . Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17A-CE . 65-10854 . . 720401 Not current on AAM maintenance log . Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 66-8549 . . 000000 former USAF 66-8549
Owned by USAF under USEmb Vientiane control
transfer to MAP Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 66-8549 MR1 Raven Lloyd Van Zee 720400 "549" MR1 Ops Email LVanZee 20041030 041030
U-17B . 66-8549 . . 720401 . Current in AAM maintenance log Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 66-8549 MR1 Raven Lloyd Van Zee 720500 "549" MR1 Ops Email LVanZee 20041030 041030
U-17B . 68-10538 . . 000000 former USAF 68-10538
Owned by USAF under USEmb Vientiane control
transfer to MAP Leeker U17 file 041030
U-17B . 68-10538 Luang Prabang (L54) Raven Ed Gunter 690700 Jul69-Feb70 . Ed Gunter in Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 68-10538 Luang Prabang (L54) Raven Larry Sanborn 700621 Jun70-Jan71 . Larry Sanborn in Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 68-10538 Long Tieng (LS20A) Raven Larry Sanborn 710606 Jun71-Jul 71 . Larry Sanborn in Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 68-10538 Vientiane (L08) Raven Lloyd Van Zee 720300 "538" Checkout . Email LVanZee 20041030 041030
U-17B . . . . 720401 . Current in AAM maintenance log Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 68-10538 MR1 Raven Lloyd Van Zee 720500 "538" MR1 Ops Email LVanZee 20041030 041030
U-17B . 68-10538 MR1 Raven Lloyd Van Zee 720600 "538" MR1 Ops Email LVanZee 20041030 041030
U-17B . 68-10538 MR1 Raven Lloyd Van Zee 720700 "538" MR1 Ops Email LVanZee 20041030 041030
U-17B . 69-7304 . . 000000 former USAF 69-7304
Owned by USAF under USEmb Vientiane control
transfer to MAP Leeker U17 file 041030
U-17B . 69-7304 Long Tieng (LS20A) Raven Larry Sanborn 710505 May71-Aug71 . Larry Sanborn in Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 69-7304 . . 720401 . Current in AAM maintenance log Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 69-7305 . . 000000 former USAF 69-7305
Owned by USAF under USEmb Vientiane control
transfer to MAP Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 69-7305 MR1 Raven Lloyd Van Zee 720500 "305" MR1 Ops Email LVanZee 20041030 041001
U-17B . 69-7305 MR1 Raven Lloyd Van Zee 720800 "305" MR1 Ops Email LVanZee 20041030 041001
U-17B . 69-7305 MR1 Raven Lloyd Van Zee 720900 "305" MR1 Ops Email LVanZee 20041030 041001
U-17B . 69-7306 . . 000000 former USAF 69-7306
Owned by USAF under USEmb Vientiane control
transfer to MAP Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 69-7306 Luang Prabang (L54) Raven Ed Gunter 700100 . . Ed Gunter in Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 69-7306 Luang Prabang (L54) Raven Larry Sanborn 700619 Jun70-Jan71 . Larry Sanborn in Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 69-7306 Long Tieng (LS20A) Raven Larry Sanborn 710324 Mar71-Jun71 . Larry Sanborn in Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 69-7306 Udorn (T08)? . 720000 Photos by Tom Lum. See TTU photos VA024821 & VA024822 , Erawan markings . Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 69-7306 Savannakhet (L39) . 720000 Photo probably at L39 Used for pilot training and FAC Conboy, War in Laos, pp 37&54  from Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 69-7306 Savannakhet (L39) . 720401 . Current in AAM maintenance log Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 69-7306 Savannakhet (L39) . 721023 . Engine fire at L39 after shutdown. Repaired? Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 71-1050 . . 000000 former USAF 71-1050
Owned by USAF under USEmb Vientiane control
transfer to MAP Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 71-1050 . . 720401 . Current in AAM maintenance log Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17B . 71-11046 . . 000000 former USAF 71-1050
Owned by USAF under USEmb Vientiane control
transfer to MAP Leeker U17 file  041001
U-17B . 71-11046 . . 720401 . Current in AAM maintenance log Leeker U17 file 041001
U-17 . . Savannakhet (L39) Raven Bob Downs 660000 visited Raven Don Moody at L54. One of several trips to L39-L54 to assist General Ma aircraft had rocket rails and Erawan markings Bob & Don Episode 1 041001
U-17 . . Savannakhet (L39) Raven Claude Puckett and Tom Lee 680900 After commissary run to Vientiane, lost generator over NE Thailand at dark enroute L39. "Emergency" night landing & RON at  NKP (T55)  temporary repair at NKP, permanent repair by AAM T Lee log 041001
U-17 . . Savannakhet (L39) Raven Hoss McBride and Tom Lee 681000 Oct68-Nov68 Training flights T Lee log 041001
U-17 . . Nakhon Phanom (T55) Ravens Hoss McBride, Claude Pucket?, Jim Baker? and Tom Lee 681000 Ground looped on landing at T55 due to bad brakes. No damage except to pride. 4 farangs in an Erawan marked aircraft? Mon Dieu!  Brakes repaired by AAM and Erawan painted over. T Lee log  041001
U-17B . . Long Tieng (LS20A) Raven Karl Polifka 690612 Operated vic Phou Pha Thi (LS85) . Churchill, Hit my Smoke, p122 041001
U-17B . . Long Tieng (LS20A) Ravens Jim Cross & Dave Reese 700424 On area orientation flight Shot down in Ban Ban Valley, 2 KIA Leeker U17 file & Laos Incident List 041001

A comment on sources: 
  • Dr Joe Leeker  researched  the U-17 aircraft as part of his work on Air America (AAM) aircraft. This excellent research is archived at University of Texas, Dallas and is on line as part of their Air America holdings. See . All Leeker data used with permission of Dr Erik Carlson, University of Texas, Dallas
  • Although AAM did not operate U-17s as part of their fleet, they performed maintenance on Raven aircraft at their Udorn facility regularly after 1968. A key data point was the April 1972 maintenance summary that listed the active aircraft. Ravens Larry Sanborn and Ed Gunter provided additional information to Dr. Leeker.
  •  U-17 serials are part of my Secret War research plus a bit of "bootleg" flying of the U-17 based at Savannakhet in 1968.
  • In October 2004, I requested assistance from the Ravens in sending me the serials of the aircraft they flew during their tours in Laos. Responses are included.

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Copyright, Thomas E. Lee 2004-2007