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Configure your Favorites & Bookmarks - Lesson4

This lesson will discuss the use, configuration and understanding of using Favorites (Internet Explorer) and Bookmarks using (Netscape). What is the reason for using Favorites and Bookmarks? We use the techniques to log and retain web sites we have visited while surfing the Web. It is not too difficult remembering 1,2,3 web sites and their web address, however remembering 50, 60, 100 might get a little awkward and congested with printed copies of the desired web pages/sites. There has to be a method for keeping track and logging sites of interest, well there is the method is called Favorites and Bookmarks.

Internet Explorer

  1. Enter any site into your URL i.e. - enter key.

  2. Next you wish to save this web site to a place where you can quickly access it at any time. What should be done next is click on the Favorites on your icon toolbar. This will open a display on the left-side of your screen similar to this image . The element we wish to activate is the Add feature, which should give a dialog box resembling the screen shot below.

  3. What you must do next is click on the Create in >> button , which will allow you to view an expanded version of this dialog box. You may see other entries listed within this dropdown area similar to this next screen shot. If not then that's ok as well, we will be adding plenty of pages/sites to a newly created folder. These folder should be in alphabetical order A-Z.

  4. Next click on  the New Folder button and you will be given a blank folder field in which to type your new folder. 

  5. Enter your first name for testing purposes. Normally I would associate the Folder creation with the subject matter I would be seeking while surfing the Web. This could be cars, flowers, new software, new drivers, new whatever it could even be date related knowing this date is the same as the day we surfed. 

  6. Next place your First Name for testing the creation of a New Folder in Favorites.

  7. Once an entry is made i.e. your first name then click OK and you should see the new folder created evolve in the left-side of your screen within the Favorites list similar to this sample shown here. 

  8. Now click on Add button again, highlight the folder you wish to save the web site/page in and click OK. Your highlighted folder should match your first name in this example. That is it!  You will only need to repeat the steps 1-9 to create other folders within your Favorites structure and steps 9-three parts to save to an existing folder within your Favorites.

  9. The last portion to this exercise will be to show the sites listed within our newly created Folder from our Favorites list. shows the Yahoo site added to the First Name folder created within our favorites list. Great job, try adding different site to your folder :) You may also practice deleting and re-entering folder and web addresses to your Favorites.

That's it - that's it for Internet Explorer, now for Netscape.

Netscape is slightly different, but will allow for the same information to be saved by the web browser.

  1. Once you have Netscape open, you need to locate and click on the icon button called Bookmarks. This will then open a default list of folders, which were installed during the setup of the software. There will be 3 main items that will need focus drawn to, these are Add, File and Edit Book- marks.

  2. Next highlight and click on the Edit Bookmark entry, which will then open a file called you guessed it "Bookmark.htm".

  3. You will now note at the top of this open file active elements as follows. Next click on File from the dropdown menu and highlight/select New Folder.

  4. Next you will see a dialog box asking you for information to enter naming this new folder. Stick with using your First Name for the example as well. Note - if you activate New Bookmark there will be a field requesting URL information, this situation is not the element we are seeking at this time. It's ok if you make a small error the delete option will remove it for us - we want New Folder.

  5. Once this is done you will notice your newly created folder within the structure,  part one is done. You may leave this file open only minimize the window down onto your status bar so it can be used at a later time.

  6. Now the new folder is ready to be used, lets place some information related to sites/pages inside. Click on Bookmarks , then highlight and click on File Bookmark . Next highlight and click on your New Folder creation should be equal to your first name. This function will then place the associated web page/site into the folder First Name. You may also note the folder First Name will not have a underling black arrow associated with the New Folder, but will appear when you save your first web site/page to this folder.

  7. The sequence you need to apply web sites/pages to Netscape's Bookmarks are as follows. Bookmarks (click), File Bookmark (click), Folder Name (click).

  8. That is it, that's all it take, except for the practice portion which you will need to try over and over.

On to Lesson 5

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