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Loyalty Activities

Meeting every Wednesday morning in Ms. Colbrese's rm. at 7am UNLESS Kang Late Arrival then the next day at 7am!! Wear sweaters on meeting days!!

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Assist parent help any way necessary, greet people, welcome new students, smile:)

Please bring your notebooks and a pen. Info given will pertain to upcoming Orientations and when we will receive our sweaters. The officers will be have made us dessert so you won't want to miss it!! Email me if you need directions to Leah's House.

Please bring your notebooks or $2. to receive one if you haven't, a pen, and fingerfoods to snack on. I imagine most of you know where that is, but email me if you do need directions.

You'll need to bring $7.00 to cover pizza and notebooks, pl bring swimsuit. If you need directions hit the big email button up there and I'll respond instantaneously or ASAP!!

If you need their phone number, please contact Nina.

Wed., June 20, 2001 Be at Safeco Field by 5:30pm to help set up,

Be hostesses

Set up after school 2:31pm, fed pizza while setting up

Stay as long as you can, wraps up about 10pm






Photo © Karen, 1996