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Five Myths, Mistakes, & Misconceptions
about Having a Family Portrait Created:

The Stuff 99% of All People in the World Don't Know

Myth #1: There's No Way To GUARANTEE I Will Love My Family Portraits

WRONG! Depending on who creates your family portrait, that is. Just suppose you had a family portrait created and your son or daughter didn't look natural in it. The photograph was "ok," but it didn't turn out spectacular. Should you have to pay for it? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I believe strongly that no one should ever have to pay for a photograph that isn't PERFECT. That's why I am the only photographer in Lawrence to offer the following guarantee. CHECK THIS OUT - A Guarantee Unlike Any You've Ever Heard:

If Your Family Doesn't Look The Happiest & Best They've Ever Looked Together In These Photographs - If You Don't Cry (tears of joy) When You Look At Them -
You Don't Pay Me For Them.

That's my guarantee and personal promise to you. As far as I know, there's no other photographer around that will make you this super guarantee. These photographs will be completely meaningless to you unless they convey the real emotions and relationships between you and your loved ones. That's the only real reason to have a family portrait created.

So, if FOR ANY REASON you feel that the photographs I create for you are anything less than perfect - if you don't actually cry when I show them to you for the first time, you don't pay me for them. It's that simple.

Obviously, I'm totally confident that the portraits I create of you and your family will be well beyond anything you imagine. I believe completely that these photographs will become your most prized possessions - that, if your house were on fire, you would grab them on the way out of your burning home. This is not arrogance. I can't stand arrogance. No, this is a complete belief in my abilities to capture natural, real emotions and family relationships on film unlike anyone else. That's what I've devoted my life to, and that's why I can't wait to photograph your family for you.

So, To Restate, Here's My Fantastic DOUBLE GUARANTEE:
If you are not THRILLED with your photographs - if you are dissatisfied for ANY reason at all, I will do two things for you:

  1. At NO CHARGE, I will photograph your family again, and make sure that anything that wasn't perfect is fixed, without you paying another cent.
  2. If I am absolutely unable to thrill you - if I'm unable to create a photograph that you feel you will cherish forever, I will refund EVERY PENNY you invested in them. You don't pay for your photographs unless you love them beyond expression!

"We've never had a picture taken of our entire family. Monte suggested we take the picture in our own home, where we'd all be comfortable. He also suggested wearing clothing that put us at ease. We ended up wearing our jeans--and no shoes!

Sitting for the pictures was about as painless as it gets with little ones. Monte knew the boys couldn't sit still for long so there wasn't a lot of posing and excruciating waiting. We were so happy to do business with someone who understood that what we most wanted was a portrait that represented us-- relaxed and at our best, not stiff or anxious.

We really enjoyed the whole process and the proof is in my smile. Honestly, I hate having my picture taken, but these were so good."

--Bethanne Scholl,
Kansas City, Kansas

If I don't end up being your photographer, make ABSOLUTELY SURE your photographer offers this strong of a guarantee. If they are good, they should back up their work by taking all the risk off of you.

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