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Mistake #2: Making Mistakes with Hair

Mistake #2 Is A HUGE Destroyer Of Senior Portraits! Many seniors goof this up in several ways. But also, most photographers goof this up, too, because they don't know how to photograph hair properly.

This is such a big point! As you know, your hair is a huge part of your appearance. It can make or break how you look. We’ve all had “bad hair days” and if your photographer doesn’t know what he or she is doing, your photographs will look like a permanent “bad hair” day.

One of the things that separates my photography from that of most of the other photographers in the area is that I pay as much attention to the light that is lighting your hair, as I do to the lighting that is illuminating your face. And they are completely different lights!

You see, if you study Hollywood Portraiture of the stars, you begin to see how careful the photographers are about lighting the hair. Well, I've studied the best professional Hollywood photo masters - such as George Hurrell, who is responsible for many of the finest portraits ever created of the Hollywood Stars. And I'm going to use these very same techniques to create your senior portraits to help you, and your hair look really, really perfect.

For example, many seniors who go to other photographers often complain that, if they have dark hair, that their hair seems to disappear into the background. Or, if they have light hair, that their hair has no "life" or detail in the photograph. Or if their hair is brown, that it doesn't look as great as they wanted it to. It's not just how they combed or prepared it, it's how it's lit in the photograph, too!

Well, that's not ever going to happen to a portrait created by me, because I'm going to take the time and the care in the lighting of your hair so it looks absolutely perfect. It's as if one of these Hollywood Master Photographers just finished photographing Freddie Prinze Jr. or Jennifer Love Hewitt, and now is going to do your portrait, and I'm going to put as much care into lighting you as they would!

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