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I Samuel 1:27 ; II Samuel 12:22-25 ; Mark 10: 13-16

Lord, today we cry out to you, we’ve reached the end of our rope.
We need your comforting presence right now, giving us courage and hope.
We can’t use flowery speech today, just words that come from our hearts.
You know all about us, all that we are, for you’ve known us right from the start.

Lord, you are the one who created us, who has kept us all through life.
You’ve been with us in sickness and health, in sunshine and darkness of night.
Your blessings to us are manifold, so many they just can’t be numbered.
But today there’s grief deep in our hearts, it’s heavy, it has us encumbered.

A precious child came into our lives, a sweet little bundle from heaven.
A child for which we had waited and prayed, one which we knew you had given.
This child made our home and our lives complete, gave us joy, gratitude, pleasure.
A wonderful gift for our family and home bringing blessings far beyond measure.

And then before much time had gone by, this sweet, precious baby was taken.
Our arms feel so empty without this child, and our hearts are heavy and broken.
Are you watching us, Lord? Do you see the tears that won’t leave us night or day?
Will you help us now, let us feel your touch as you lovingly show us the way...

To turn loose, let go, give over to you, for we know that in heaven above
You hold in your arms our sweet, precious child who’s safe and secure in your love.
We know not why our loved one did go, couldn’t stay here for many tomorrows.
Please fill this emptiness left in our hearts, take away all of our sorrows.

Long ago we invited you into our hearts and claimed you as Savior and Lord.
We know that every promise is true that we read in your Holy Word.
Our child can never return to us but one glad day we shall see
Our loving Lord welcoming us, and uniting our family.

Jo S. McCracken
Copyright © 1997, 1998
All Rights Reserved.
I had a request from a friend for this poem to be
written for her friend who had recently lost a child.
It was then included in my book,
"Poems From The Heart."
It touched my heart since I had lost my
first child by miscarriage many years before.

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