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Jayden Thomas Summerfield

A Little Boy, a Tragic Accident, and a Hope for Tomorrow

Items left over from Jayden's benefit auction are now being offered for sale on a first-come, first-served basis. Click HERE for a list of the items for sale and instructions on how to make a purchase.

Jayden Summerfield is a five year old blonde-haired, brown-eyed little boy made in the image of God and not so different from any other child. He is an active boy who loves Spiderman, John Deer tractors, and running free in the outdoors. Until recently, Jayden lived with his mom in Havre, Montana where he attended Head Start and played regularly with his cousins and many friends. All that changed dramatically on February 3, 2007 when Jayden and his mom were involved in a tragic vehicle accident.

The Accident

On the morning of February 3, Jayden and his mom were heading north on U.S. Highway 87, returning to Havre in their extended cab pickup. Another woman, a friend of his mom's, was driving, and Jayden was buckled into the back seat. On a curve just past the Marias River, the pickup suddenly swerved across the centerline and struck a double tractor-trailer fuel truck head-on. Jayden's mom and her friend were instantly killed. Jayden was critically injured.

A witness to the accident unbuckled Jayden's seatbelt and pulled him through the broken back window of the pickup. He was not breathing and his heart had stopped beating. An EMT quickly arrived and administered CPR. Jayden was revived and transported by ambulance to the Fort Benton airport, where a life-flight helicopter waited. On the helicopter ride to Benefis Hospital in Great Falls, Jayden had to be revived once again. Benefis quickly assessed his injuries and determined that Jayden should be flown to a hospital better capable of attending to his needs. He and his father, Jason, were transported by air ambulance to Harborview Hospital in Seattle. Jayden's grandmother, Jeanne, joined them later in the day.

Jayden's Injuries

Jayden's life hung in the balance for the first few days at Harborview. The last words his family heard him say were, "Love you grandma." After that, brain swelling took away his speech. At one point clergy were summoned to the hospital to talk to the family because the doctors didn't think Jayden would make it through the night. Doctors there determined his injuries to include:

  •   Broken right collarbone, dislocated right shoulder, with associated nerve damage caused by impact with the vehicle shoulder belt. Jayden showed minimal movement of his right arm and hand.

  •   Lung contusion resulting in a collapsed right lung.

  •   Internal bleeding from torn mesentery tissue in his abdomen, also due to seat belt impact. Abdominal surgery was undertaken to repair the damage.

  •   Four displaced neck vertebrae with associated cartilage damage, blood clotting and swelling of the brain stem and upper spinal cord. A "halo" was installed to immobilize his head and neck. This is a device that screws to his head with 6 screws and straps around his chest with a wide harness. Jayden will have to wear this device, which weighs one fourth his body weight, for 90 days.

  •   Diffuse brain injury resulting in the loss of speech, inability to properly swallow and take food into the mouth, and loss of coordinated motor skills including inability to sit or walk.

While in the intensive care unit at Harborview, Jayden also contracted pneumonia. The doctors decided he should be transferred to Children's Hospital in Seattle, which is better equipped to care for serious injuries in children.

At Children's Hospital, Jayden began to show gradual improvement. Even the tiniest positive changes were cause for celebration. Eventually, he was moved out of intensive care, and then after three weeks in Seattle Jayden came home to Community Hospital in Missoula, Montana where his dad and grandparents live.

Jayden's Current Status

Jayden is in the Rehabilitation Center at Community Hospital. In the time he has been here, he has continued to show small improvements. He is tracking objects better with his eyes, and is moving his limbs more. Physically, he is stable. His brain injuries are currently the primary issue. As a result of the injuries, Jayden still cannot talk, sit, walk, or make other coordinated movements with his muscles. He cannot eat and must be fed by a tube. Jayden is undergoing a rigorous therapy schedule, including physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy. The doctors are optimistic about his future, but say he will be in the hospital for at least another month. After that, he will continue with therapy as an outpatient for many months and perhaps years.

Jayden with dad, Jason.

God is at Work

We cannot understand why such tragedy had to come into the life of an innocent little boy. But we do know that God loves Jayden even more than we do, and that He has been at work performing miracles throughout this entire situation. The fact that Jayden is even alive is a major miracle in itself. Numerous factors had to line up in exactly the right way for him to survive the crash and the following minutes, hours, and days. Miracles also come through people, and we've seen an unbelievable outpouring of love, concern, prayers, and resources since Jayden's accident. We've also clearly seen God at work in the hearts and lives of our own family. God has strengthened our faith, and we give Him glory for what He has done, is doing, and yet will do. We know that when we are weakest, He is strongest. Only God can restore Jayden's health, and we are praying, hoping, and expecting that He will, in His time, and in His way. While we do not understand this tragedy, we do not believe it was an accident. It was part of God's plan, and we may not see all the good things He will make from this tragedy for years or even generations to come. But we know that whenever God is working, good things will happen, for scripture says that all things work together for good to those who love God and are the called according to His purpose.

What Can You Do to Help?

Jayden's needs, and the needs of his caretakers, are numerous. Here are some things you could consider doing to help.

1. Pray. Of all the things you could do to help, we value prayer most of all. We know that God's power is unlimited and there is no end to His resources. Christians all around the world are praying for Jayden, and we have seen the positive results. Please join us in praying for the following.

      Continued physical healing
      Recovery from brain injuries and restoration of essential bodily functions
      Emotional recovery from the loss of Jayden's mom
      Wisdom for the doctors and other staff
      Strength, endurance, and continued spiritual guidance for Jayden's family
      Ability to handle the mounting medical expenses

Jayden with Grandma Jeanne.

2. Contribute. While we are not soliciting money, numerous people have contacted us wanting to donate towards Jayden's current expenses and long-term care. We understand that giving is a spiritual gift, and we would not want to deprive anyone of the blessings they might receive from giving as the Lord would lead them to do. The reality is that Jayden's medical expenses will be very large and beyond his family's ability to pay. Insurance will cover only a portion of the expenses. God can easily meet these expenses, but we know that He often does so through people. If God has laid it upon your heart to contribute to Jayden's expenses, there are a few ways you could do so.

  a.   Trust Account. A trust account has been established for Jayden. If you wish to contribute to this account, please make checks or money orders out in the name of Jayden Summerfield Benefit Fund and mail to Jayden Summerfield, 8250 Lazy H Trail, Missoula, MT 59808.

  b.   PayPal Account. If you would like to contribute electronically, please go to sign up for a user name and password, if you don't already have one, and send your donations to Jayden's email address, which is

  c.   Donate Goods and Services. An assortment of items including a vase, quilt, jewelry and a utility trailer have already been donated to be sold at auction, with the proceeds going into Jayden's trust account. Other items and services are welcome. Jayden's friends are organizing a benefit event that will include an auction of these items, a concert, and a chili feed.

Jayden with Grandma Jeanne and Aunt Amy.

3. Advertise. If you have a web site, please include a link to this page so that others may learn about Jayden and his needs. Below is a suggested html code that could be copied and pasted onto your web site.

Jayden's family would like to thank you for your concern for our little boy, and we ask God to bless you greatly for your prayers and support as Jayden continues on his long road to recovery.

Jayden with nurse, Connie and Grandpa Bob

To read updates about Jayden's progress,

If the Lord should lead you to help little Jayden with his tremendous medical bills, you may wish to go to PayPal to make an electronic donation:


You will need Jayden's email address in order to donate through PayPal, which is


Please Sign Jayden's Guestbook

Number of Visitors Since 03/10/07

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