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What's all the excitement? Is a celebration taking place?
What's all this good cheer spreading through the human race?
Are those candles in the windows, glowing nightly after dark?
I believe I saw lights twinkling on the trees down in the park!

All the stores downtown look different. Folks are smiling everywhere.
I hear music, hear bells ringing. What's that "spirit" in the air?
I went home to visit Mama. She'd baked cookies, cakes and pies.
And Mama looked real happy with a twinkle in her eyes.

Sis was there too, wrapping presents with bright paper, pretty bows.
When I asked her what was happening, she said "Everybody knows
it's the birthday of our Savior! Long ago He came to earth,
left His throne as King in Heaven, and came down by humble birth."

I knew what Sis was saying, but I thought I'd better see
if my family remembered and felt happy, same as me.
Each year we'd read the scriptures telling all about the glory
of the angels telling shepherds to "go see." You know the story!

Little town of Bethlehem, shepherds come, and wisemen bring
gold and myrrh and frankincense. That cruel Herod, king,
hoped to find the Baby Jesus so he'd never be a part
of the kingdom Herod wanted in his deceitful, evil heart.

Mary held that tiny baby, warm and sweet and fair of face.
Joseph must have felt such wonder at God's gift of love and grace.
We've heard it sung in carols down at church, we've seen it played
in drama with the actors in costume upon the stage.

It warms our hearts and brings to mind good times of Christmas past.
But do we stop to think that all year long this joy should last?
We must not forget God loved us, sent His precious, only Son.
We must tell the world the reason for this cheer and noise and fun.

It's because we've been forgiven of our sins. God made a way
to have our sin debt paid for us, so we'd not have to pay.
If we just trust in Jesus, ask forgiveness, we will see
we can celebrate in Heaven 'round God's throne eternally.

Jo S. McCracken
From my book, "Poems From The Heart,"
Copyright © 1997, 1998
All Rights Reserved