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100% Canadian Site

Haunted Houses

Kingston Pen

Fort Henry

Skeleton Park

City Hall

Royal Military College

Queens University

Urban Legends

Ghost Photos

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Ghost Hunting Tips


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the abandonded house

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On outer Montreal Street stands an old abandonded house. It sits on the east side of the road and is hidden from the passing view of most people by its placement on the side of a hill.

It is an old two story limestone house probably built in the mid to late 1800's and is quite typical of the farm houses of the area built at that time.

I heard of the house from some local residents and after hearing the stories attached to this place just had to go and see it for my self.

It is said to have been the house of a serial killer and that he hid the bodies of his victims under the floor boards of the house. It is also said that black magic was practiced there and that it was a place of evil.

My first visit to the house was during day light hours for I am no hero and I didn't want to go falling through floor boards while truging through a pitch black house at night. I found nothing unusual and if bodies were hidden under the floor boards the man was quite a carpenter for all the floors were of original 1800 construction.. The place has had several renovations over the years but the place has obviously been empty for quite a while and evidence of vandalisim is apparant.

I found nothing to lead me to believe that black magic was ever practiced there, I was led to believe that the pentagrams were still on the floors. They are not. It is just an old abandoned house in poor repair.

I went back at night and got these pictures. There definitely will be another trip and an investigation on this place in the future.

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Basement view with orb in upper center.

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Exterior view with several orbs clearly visible.

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A view of the garage with one real nice orb.

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688 King St West
The true story of a haunting that one family had to live with

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McBurney Park
The city park that holds a horrible secret

kbbanner.gif (4360 bytes) The Mystery of King Bird Five Zero

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to other paranormal sites.