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  In Mithilanchal tradition is much more important than the Shastric injunctions. What follows is traditional custom and may differ from place to place and family to family.

    There are mainly three types of fasting and are given below in order of the rigor involved :

  1. Ekbhukta on previous day, fasting Nirjala (without even water) for the whole day and night. Taking meal after sunrise. Fast is usually broken with Falahaar.
  2. Just like the one given above except Ekbhukta on the previous day.
  3. Nakta Brat : Nirjala fasting for the whole day, meals after sunset when stars are visible.

The following are other forms of fasting and are related to specific occasions:

Ekbhukta : Ek is one and Bhukta means taking meal. This is also known as "Naha-Kha" and "Arba-Arbain" and is done preparatory to the main fast. The person performing fast takes only one meal and that too of things considered pure (Havishya). which consists of Non-boiled (arba) rice, Moong Dal, Milk products, Poori, Fruits, vegetables (potatoes, parwal, Kobi etc) cooked in ghee. The meal is taken on banana leaf and a separate leaf contains all these as prasaad.

Upwaas by proxy : It may appear very peculiar, at times, when it is just not possible to perform a Brat due to illness, Ashauch, period etc the fast can be done by any other person in proxy.  This relaxation is very much abused and power of money is blatantly used.

Havishya : (means fit for an oblation) consits of things that are considered very pure and fit to be taken during certain period of fast. It consists of:  Non-boiled Rice from white paddy, Moong dal, Barley (Yab), Til, Brown pea (Kerao), Oeri, Bathua and Sarhanchi Saag, Gamhari, Satawari, Aaru, Khamharu, Rock salt, Sea salt, Cow milk, Dahi, Ghee, Mango, Jack fruit (Kathal), Harir, Peepar, Jeer, Sonthi (Dried Ginger), Dhani (Coriander), Ariconch, Tetari (Tamarind), Baanana ripe and green, Harpha, Dhatri, Sugar, Crystal sugar (Mishri), Payas of cow's milk. Though wheat is not in the list, it is very much used in Havishya.