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Hi Everyone, Welcome to Kate's Place!! Feel free to have a good look around my lil' home. I hope you enjoy your stay, and have LOTS of fun. =)

If you are a part of a web competition, the site fights, etc, and you would like to ve (vote exchange) with me, PLS fill out my ve form (under TSF *unless you use webTV, please send me an email instead, as the forms won't work for you.) I'd love to ve with you!

Angelfire's Server seems to be running ok now. Though if you are having probs, (images, pages, and links not working) go to another page and then come back again, it should work. (ALL pages/images are uploaded correctly, so if they're not working it's because the server is down.)

Oh.. And one more thing, PLS remember to sign my g-book. Not much point coming all the way to my lil home without ringing the doorbell is there?
