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President Bush's Speech
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My thoughts to the American People

11:30pm (Australian EST)... the house was eerie quiet. Everyone was asleep in bed, except me. I should have been in bed, but as usual, I had been reading late, and my stomach started to growl. Sneaking up the hallway, trying to miss all the creaky floorboards, I headed for the kitchen, a midnight snack, was on my mind.

9:30am, In the other side of the world, the Nation of America was wide awake. Most were in their offices, preparing for another day's work.

Me? I had just eaten some left overs from dinner, and was quietly walking back to my room.

The United States? UNDER ATTACK

By the time the first aeroplane hit the World Trade Center, I had just pulled the blankets over my head, turned out the light, and drifted into a dreamy sleep.

New York had just been attacked by terrorists.

I woke the next morning, looked outside my bedroom window, and with a huge smile on my face, took in the beautiful Australian countryside. As usual, I leapt out of bed, and switched on my computer (to check my emails before breaky).

10 minutes later, with tears streaming down my face, I sat in utter disbelief before my computer. America the beautiful had been attacked.

The house still eerie quiet, my brother at work, mum down town, and my dad asleep in bed (from working night duty). I walked up the hallway, not minding the creaking boards, to the living room and switched on the TV. Every single channel showed the same thing. America under attack. Completely dumbstruck, I sat in front of the TV, and watched as people jumped out of buildings, screaming and hurting. The fear that I saw... I had never seen before. I watched both World Trade Centers desintegrate before my very eyes, the people of New York running for their lives. I watched the Pentagon be destroyed, and I watched another plane crash to the ground, short of its target. Transfixed, I could not move. With horror, I realised, that someone in the world had planned this heart-sickening attack. Someone had planned an attack on innocent lives. Someone had hurt and killed thousands and thousands of people.

For most of the day, I watched in horror at the happenings that unfolded. Schoolwork? Out of the question. All I could think about was the hundreds upon thousands of people that were hurt and dying. With tear stains on my cheeks, I took myself off to my room and tried to concentrate on assignments. No luck.. As one easily touched, and hurt, I was incredibly upset for America. I was stunned at the cruelty that was in the world, and stunned that innocent people could be hurt in such a violent manner.

It's patiently obvious I'm not American, And some would wonder why I have made a Remembrance page to their country, when I am not one of them. I am deeply troubled at what has happened, and deeply touched at the strength the USA has showed to the world. I am impressed at how they have handled the situation. I am impressed with their President. President Bush may have his faults (we all do, we ARE human after all), but I admire a man who can stand before the world, with the calm, ease, and strength, that he exhibited during his speech. He's got guts, and he impressed me no end. I think America deserves respect, and remembrance. Afterall, when another nation is in trouble who is the first to offer help? It's the USA.

To the people of America, I pay tribute, respect, and remembrance to your country. This tragedy will be in my heart and mind forever. And I will be touched for years to come, when I remember the patriosim, love, and compassion, you all showed to each other, and the rest of the world. America the Great, is, and always will be, a nation of strength, courage, and compassion. May God bless your beautiful country.

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