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Supporting Nick..
NCOST Online
..and his dream

Welcome to NCOST Online, the official website of the Nick Carter Official Support Team at Yahoo Groups.

NCOST supports Nick's career as a Backstreet Boy and solo artist, side projects he gets involved with, and the choices and decisions he makes whether we like them or not. Some people put Nick on a pedestal and do not to see him for who he really is. Nick is someone who cares about the world around him. He's dedicated to his work and loves his fans very much. Nick deserves love and respect and we, at NCOST, give him that.

This site offers tons of interactive stuff, Nick photos and tattoo pictures, everything you need to know about Nick, a message board, and so much more. All this and more is located below in the drop down menu.

Also, before you leave, please vote for NCOST in the polls below.

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 January 4, 2004

Member Count ~1,460~

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NCOST Online Poll
Out of all the songs Nick sings, which one is your absolute favorite? This includes some songs that didn't make it onto Nick's album.

Current results
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