This fiction contains sexual relationships between male media-based characters, sometimes explicit and sometimes implicit. If this makes for unsuitable reading for you due to personal or legal reasons, please exercise your right to intelligence and go elsewhere.


A Lonely Death (WIP)
Updated 8/4/02
Serial killer doing the funky chicken and very cliched plot device for the throwing together of our intrepid heroes. Violence, gristle, sex, darkness and suchlike.(M/Sk, NC-17) 630K
The Hitchhiker
Road trips and an Xfile of the non-alien kind. (M/Sk) 47K
A Little Teapot and Even Less Faith
Speculative and tainted with xmas cheer. (M/Sk) 48K

The Sentinel

The Meaning of Motion
Post-TSbyBS exploration of the mechanics of change.(J/B, NC-17) 67K

DISCLAIMER: I freely acknowledge that CC, 1013 & Fox own and make money off these characters. (Well I don't suppose they're going to pay me to admit it.) My own intellectual property rights infringement schedule is so rigorous that I simply can't fit these guys in.