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Current and Former Youth Members of Peace EFC of Saddleback Valley

What's new?

- A few more Paso Picacho pictures. (11/7/2001)

- Some Paso Picacho pictures are up! (9/9/2001)

- I've been finally getting around to trying to learn Flash. Check out the new Peace slideshow. (8/26/01)


Welcome to Peacemakers! The home of current and former members of Peace Evangelical Formosan Church of Saddleback Valley. For many of us, Peace is a special place, not only because it was where many of us came to know Christ, but also because it was a place where we gained life-long friendships. This website hopes to trace the history of Peace, from its tumultuous Canaan origins to its transition to EFC of Saddleback Valley. Along the way, we'll look at the many varied and colorful youth leaders we've had through the years, and remenisce about some of the more interesting moments of growing up with the typically unique perspective of the Asian-American Christian.

But the historical aspects of this site have a more profound purpose than to serve as a mere digital record of our church. The goal of this website is to serve as a reminder of where it was we came from, so that maybe it will be a little easier to figure out where it is we are going. It's a reminder of simpler days, good friends and good fellowship--of a child-like faith that hopefully none of us will forget.


Peace has moved!

Message from the webmaster:

E-mail this freakaziod at

Hey guys! I just wanted to thank everyone who helped me put this together. I want to thank my old roommate Channing Wong for hooking me up with cheap computer parts. Thanks to Rich Hsiao who spent a whole Saturday helping me put the the thing together. Thanks to Terry Chen and Eric Chu for the stuff they hooked me up with but for legal reasons I shouldn't say what that was. And of course, all you who have submitted pictures, and all you who allowed yourselves to be photographed, no matter how silly and ridiculous you looked at the time, thank you!

Please bear in mind that much of this website is based on interpretations and histories that I perceived or that I have created. Also, please try to take the content of this website lightly. Nothing is meant to demean or dis anyone, but really, it's all in good fun. If there is anything that you find offenssive, in bad taste, or grossly incorrect, feel free to e-mail me and I'll fix it. Likewise, if there are any pictures that you really want taken off, let me know. For those of you who are unhappy about the number of photographs of yourself on the website, there are two problems, both of which can be easily corrected: (1) you're not hanging out with me enough, (2) you didn't give me any pictures to put up!

Lastly, if you want someone who is not currently in the "People" section to be included, please send them a copy of the survey and have them e-mail me and I'll put them up. Hope you guys enjoy the site as much as I did making it.
