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Current and Former Youth Members of Peace EFC of Saddleback Valley
Presbyterian Conference Center
Our winter retreat this year was with Mei's church, FPCLA. The youth at PFCLA were friendly, including Chris, the third Chen brother, among others. It's interesting how when you're with friends and you're worshipping God, you can have a good time no matter what the conditions. 14 of us in a single cabin, cold showers, and food that deteriorated in quality over the weekend. (remember eating crackers for dinner?) Of course, Peter had to rough it too, in his New England "cottage" down the road. =) Our chef, the Chris Elliot look-alike, was majorly dissed the last day when only half the congregation showed up for "food." Most of you don't know this, but the guys cabin took a little adventure at around 1:30 am the last night there. We snuck out and took two paddle boats onto the lake, despite the big red sign that said, "Danger: frozen lake. $500 fine." Of course, one of the boats began taking in water and started sinking in the middle of the lake. I guess there was a reason for the sign...