Smoke And Mirrors?
We all know that magicians and other like minded individuals depend on illusion to decieve the masses and most are fooled by it, we ooh, and ahh and get roped in by it. I'm here to tell you, that the antichrist is going to make Houdini and Copperfield look like amatuers, many wonder, who is the anti christ? What will he be like? Etc, this page is going to explore that a little bit, but before we begin, let us pray for the protection of Christ, let His wisdom, protection and understanding cover us and bless us as we study. In order to understand the Anti christ, we must first look at his father... Satan Satan is the great deciever, if you would like to put his job description into earthly terms, he is the prosecuting attorney of mankind, God is our Judge, and Jesus, our public defender. Satan thrives on us failing, falling, judging, wounding, hurting, and abusing, he dances with glee and rubs his hands together in victory and makes sure he accuses us to God every chance he gets.   I think the one thing most people don't realize about satan is, that he is a mimic, a monkey, an actor.... At the beginning of the tribulation, Satan will raise up his son, the man we know as the antichrist, and the man the world will believe is the son of God. This man will offer peace when the world is in dire straights, most especially, he will offer peace to Israel and sign a 7 year peace agreement, and things will be peachy for a spell, but, guess what, Satan's son will break the agreement with Israel 3 1/2 years into the agreement, he will demand he be worshipped as God (or Messiah) in the Jewish Temple and most probably will set up a statue of himself in the temple to be worshipped. This man will be nothing more or less than the anti christ, he will be satan impersonating God just as the Bible says.