A Biblical Case for the Catholic Faith
Catholic Theology comprises the verses not yet underlined in your Bible

A compendium of compelling articles demonstrating the Apostolicity and Biblicism of the
Christian Faith of the first millennium, the same millennium the Apostles lived.
"There is One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God." (Eph 4:5-6)

Modern Christianity* embraces a belief system encompassing numerous theologies not in existence in the first millennium. These ideas were not even taught by their own reformers;
the first Protestants in the 16th century.
If true, this relegates all of these modern ideas outside the writings
of Christ's Apostles by 1000+ years, rendering all of them by definition:
unapostolic and therefore unbiblical.

"Test this" as the Holy Bible commands:
“Test everything. Hold on to the good.”
1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

I just want to believe as the Apostles taught Christ's early Church, no matter where it leads me and no matter what it costs me. I know you, as a follower of Jesus Christ feel the same way.

Please "Test" these logic proofs and the words of Sacred Scripture below, and email me with your questions, objections and concerns.
I answer questions about the Catholic Faith, the only Christian Faith in existence in the first millennium.
Contact me at:


Table of Contents

50 Practices and Doctrines not found in the Holy Bible.

2. Were the first Christians Protestant/Bible Christians, Mormon/J-Witness or Catholic?

See Also: JUST THE TRUTH: 2 Dozen logic and historical facts refuting the Apostolicity and Biblicism of the modern Christian belief systems. "Test Everything" 1 Thess 5:21-22.

3. The "PROMISES OF JESUS CHRIST" to His Holy Church (as recorded in Holy Writ)

4. The Historical Origins & Authors of the Modern Christian Theologies.

5. Seven Reasons Christians Go To Church, Which One Is Yours?

6. Three Questions Your Pastor Won't Answer, because he needs the job.

7. "The 7 Stages of Christian Spiritual Development" What stage are you?

8. An Exercise in Logic, Two Logic Proofs from History 101 demonstrating how the modern Christian theologies did not even exist in the first millennium, making it impossible for Christ and His Apostles to have taught to His early Church.

9. Is Sola Scriptura or the "Bible Only" idea even Biblical? Where does the Bible teach the "SOLA" or the "ONLY" in Sola Scriptura?

10. Modern Christians often ask: "WHAT ELSE IS THERE? What else has Christ's infallible authority besides the Holy Bible?" Featuring the verses not underlined in most Bibles nor taught in modern Christian seminaries or churches.

11. FAITH ALONE (SOLA FIDE): It is a Catholic Position. Have you been taught that Catholics "work their way to Heaven?"

12. "Who is the Bride of Christ?" How do non-Catholics fit into the Body of Christ?

13. Did the BEREANS "Search the Scriptures" and therefore follow the BIBLE ONLY idea?
Or did the THESSALONIANS, who also "Searched the Scriptures?

14. The 3rd Unanswered Challenge for the Non-Catholic Theologies:
Is the Catholic Faith Apostolic? Name just one Catholic doctrine that isn't. Name one doctrine the early Church believed,,,, that the Catholic Faith today *no longer does*. Why can't the modern Christian theologies make the same bold claim?

15. Biblically, did the "Official Teachings or Doctrines of the Catholic Faith" become corrupt or Apostate as your Pastor might teach? Are there verses in the Holy Scriptures that forbid the "Gates of Hell" from overcoming His Church? What does the Holy Bible really say about: "The Church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth" 1 Tim :15?

16. Is Praying to Saints Biblical? Is the "HAIL MARY" Prayer Biblical? Read the verses not underlined in your pastors Bible nor taught in his church.

17. How Modern Christian are compelled to use and embrace an unbiblical and anti-biblical definition and concept of a Christian Church.

Related articles:

=> President of the Evangelical Theological Society returns to the Catholic Faith http://www.catholic.org/national/national_story.php?id=24119

=> Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has left the Anglican Church to join the Catholic Church. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/7157409.stm

=>Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the House converts from the Baptist Faith to the Catholic Faith along with 150,000 other converts this year.

=> George W Bush meets Pope amid claims he might convert to Catholicism http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/2122733/George-W-Bush-meets-Pope-amid-claims-he-might-convert-to-Catholicism.html

=> Mormons Click Here: 13 Mormon doctrines not taught by Christ's Apostles nor anyone else before Joseph Smith in the 1830's. How can Mormons claim these ideas are "Biblical" if they didn't exist in the first millennium for the Apostles to teach? How could they teach them if Joseph Smith hadn't invented them yet?

=>1 Question for Professional Anti-Catholic William Webster



Columbia University's: "Frequently Asked Questions about the Catholic Faith"
Intro to the Catholic Faith for Evangelicals
Scriptural Evidence for the Teachings of the Catholic Faith: the Verses not underlined in the Non-Catholic's Bible
"Catholic Answers" Website, with the writing of Your Church Fathers
A must read for serious Christians: "Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth"
"Biblical Evidence for Catholicism" Website

My Story
Catechism of the Catholic Faith with search engine. "What the Catholic Faith really teaches"
How to become Catholic


"There are not over a hundred people in the United States who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions, however, who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church, which is, of course, quite a different thing."
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen



Where the first century Christians Protestant/Bible Christians (BC's), Mormon/J-Witness or Catholic?
(What does history tell us?)


Since all of these groups claim the persons in the Bible were of their faith and taught their theology, what is an accurate litmus test? Answer: historical precedent and one simple question. Can any of these groups find any “like thinking” Christians in the 1st century or anywhere in the next 15 centuries to come? Surely if these groups existed in antiquity there must be “someone,” just one person, who espoused their theology. Yet history tells us that there were exactly the same number of Mormons, JW’s and Protestants/BC’s in the first 1500+ years of Christianity. And that number is ZERO. Any history book or encyclopedia demonstrates that there was but one Christian faith in the first millennium, and that was the Catholic Faith. Test this historically as the Holy Bible commands. “Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil” 1 Thess 5:21-22. It’s an easy chore to test and an easier question to answer if one only looks for the historical truth.“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”John 8:32

There were no Mormons in the first 1500+ years of Christianity; these ideas were first espoused by Joseph Smith in the 1830s. They are by definition not apostolic and therefore not Biblical. There were no JW’s in the first 1500+ years of Christianity. These ideas were invented by Charles Russell in the 1870’s. These too are not Apostolic and therefore not Biblical. How about the Protestant belief system with its 20,000+ branches? History tells us that the ideas specific to these belief systems were also absent from the first 1500+ years of Christianity and the first Protestant was Martin Luther in the 16 th century. Again, a non-apostolic belief system. So if all of these belief systems were non-existent in antiquity and even non-existent a mere 500 years ago, how could they have been taught by the Apostles to Christ’s early Church? It’s impossible. How did these ideas get “IN” the Bible if they were not conjured up until the latter half of the second millennium? Again it’s impossible. The ideas specific to these groups are modern ideas and are by definition unbiblical, because no one was there to teach them and write them IN the Bible 2000 years ago. “Test this.” There were no like-minded Mormons/JWs just as there were no Protestants/BC’s in antiquity. Therefore the specific ideas of all of these belief systems are false, and should be rejected as false for the exact same reason: they didn’t exist even 500 years ago much less 2000 years ago to be the teachings of Jesus Christ.They are all inventions of modern man. Don’t believe me? “Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil” 1 Thess 5:21-22. Do a little research and learn what they don’t tell you in the Protestant/BC churches. Protestants/BC aren’t Mormons/JW but all were absent in antiquity.

What of the Catholic Faith? Did it exist in the first millennium or the first century even? History tells us unequivocally yes. Was there one and only one Christian/Universal faith in the first 1000+ years of Christianity? Again, yes. It was first labeled “Catholic” in written form as early as 110 AD by Ignatius of Antioch, a disciple of John the Apostle and 2nd Bishop of Antioch. "Wherever the bishop appears, let the people be there; just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church" (Ignatius of Antioch, Letter to the Smyrneans 8:2 [A.D. 110]). Catholic or Katholikos in Greek means“Universal.”

Crack a history book and discover for yourself that every Christian ever mentioned in the first millennium embraced the whole of the Catholic Faith. Of course they did, it was the only game in town for over 1000 years. Therefore ALL Christians embraced the 7 sacraments Christ instituted, the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the veneration of Saints and Angels, the one and only Sacrifice of the Mass,the Biblical offices of Bishop, Priest and Deacon, etc. If you were a Christian in these first 1000+ years you too would embrace the Catholic Faith,there was no other. The Holy Bible calls this Church "The church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth" 1 Tim 3:15

Just because you currently object to the Catholic Faith doesn’t mean the Apostles and Christ’s early Church did not teach it. It just means you have objections to ancient Christianity. Your faith journey has been in the Protestant belief system, which first appeared on planet earth in the 16 th century. And if you are an evangelical/Pentecostal/SDA/Baptist or Bible Christian, you don’t even embrace the teachings of your first Protestants in the 16 th century! Your theology was conjured up even later in human history. Do a little research.Goog le the history of the Protestant movement and see for yourself that (because of its recent origin), it is impossible for it to be “Apostolic” or “in the Bible.” Anyone can say anything is “in” the Bible. But the real test is: can you name a single Christian in antiquity or even in the first 1500+ years of Christianity who taught your pastors modern ideas? You can’t. Try, but this person does not exist, they were all of the Catholic Faith. Remember, the number of Mormons/JWs/Protestants/BC’s in antiquity is the same: ZERO. Reject all of these belief systems for what they are: modern traditions of man with zero connection to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Reject them all for the exact same reason; they didn’t exist to be the teachings of Jesus Christ.“Test Everything.”
=>Test the as the Holy Bible commands: http://www.catholic.com/library/fathers_know_best.asp
Email: INRI33AD@AOL.COM V/R Daniel

"Test this" as the Holy Bible commands:
“Test everything. Hold on to the good.”
1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

I just want to believe as the Apostles taught Christ’s early Church, no matter where it leads me, and no matter what it costs me. If you desire the same, read“The Promises of Jesus Christ to His Holy Church” at:
Catholic theology comprises the verses not yet underlined in your Bible.



Fellow Christian,
"I just want to believe as the Apostles taught Christ's early Church, no matter where it leads me and no matter what it costs me."
Do you feel the same way? Are you a Bible Believing Christian? (BBC) Do you embrace what the Holy Bible says, no matter how much of a “hard saying” it is? (E.g., John 6:60). All Christians should desire to believe as the Apostles taught Christ's early Church, no matter where it leads them and no matter what it costs them. Do you sincerely feel this way? If not, your motives for attending church are most likely one of the first 6 out of 7 reasons Christians go to church. Reasons centered primarily on oneself, verse primarily on the worship of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Below is a Biblical Case for the Catholic Faith, the only Christian faith for the first 1000+ years of Christianity. The Holy Bible tells us that there is but ONE Faith. "There is One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God." (Eph 4:5-6) A BBC believes what the Holy Bible tells us and concurs that there really is but ONE faith, not 1000s. (Look up "church" in your yellow pages for an illustration of the 1000s of competing and conflicting modern Christian churches all teaching separate gospels). Conversely, Christ started but One Church 2000 years ago and it was the only Christian Faith of the first 1000+ years of Christianity. This Faith was the Universal (Katholikos in Greek) Faith. It was called the Catholic Faith as early as 110AD. The Holy Bible tells us that the Church Christ himself founded would never succumb to the "Gates of Hell." For Christ said:

"And I say that thou art Peter, and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it, I give you the keys to kingdom of Heaven, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven and what ever you loosen on earth will be loosened in Heaven." Matt 16:16-19.

Either the "Gates of Hell" overcame Christ's Church in the first millennium or they didn't. A BBC believes they didn't. Before Our Lord ascended into Heaven He promised to be with His Church until the "end of the world." Since the Apostles would not live until the end of the world, this promise was for the Church He commissioned:

"Teach them to observe all I have taught you and behold I am with you always until the end of the world" Matt 28:20.

Either Christ is with His Church until the end of the World or He is not. A BBC believes He is with, (until the "end of the world") the Church the Holy Bible calls:

"The church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth" 1 Tim 3:15.

In the first millennium there were no denominations. There was THE Church, One universal Faith. The Church of Corinth did not differ in beliefs from the Church of Ephesus or the Church in Rome. It was truly a Universal Faith and there existed but One Christian faith for the next 1000+ years. Either this Church is the "Church of the Living God, the pillar and foundation of truth," (1 Tim 3:15) or it isn't. A BBC believes it is for there WAS no other faith. Just as the Holy Spirit guides the Bible from error, the same Spirit guides His Church from error (in matters of faith or morals). Christ said he would send the "the spirit of truth to guide you into all the truth" (John 16:13) and as Christ told his disciples: "He who hears you hears me, and he who rejects you rejects me, and he who rejects me rejects him who sent me" (Luke 10:16).


7 Reasons Christians go to church


1.  Many go "primarily" because it is all about them. They go to be entertained or to get a spiritual warm fuzzy feeling, to be "fed" or to feel good about themselves.  And if the church does not entertain them or is "boring" they shop for a more entertaining one.

2. Some go for primarily social reasons.  A chance to talk to old friends and to meet new, or just to be seen as a "Christian."

3. For others it is primarily to gain business contacts and network, or because their job is somehow associated with the church.

4.  Still others because of the kids programs.  And if these programs disappeared, they would "church shop" to find a parish with comparable or better programs.

5.  Many go primarily because they like the pastor, or because he is charismatic, or a good speaker, and if the pastor left so would they, to church shop again.

6.  And others still, because they are new Christians and have never been anywhere else and do not know the difference.


Are any of these reasons the "primary" reason you attend a specific church?

 Yet none of the above reasons for going to a specific church have anything to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  They are self-centered reasons not Christ-centered reasons.

7. And finally there are those who attend a church or "The Church" because in their heart of hearts, they are convinced it, and only it, is teaching the One Faith, the One Gospel of Jesus Christ as taught by the Apostles to Christ's infant Church.  And it is in this Church that they worship God as they are commanded to do. "There is One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God." (Eph 4:4) They attend Church "primarily" to worship God, not to worship themselves or entertain their kids. Again, the primary focus is on Christ, not on themselves.


The Old Testament Jews went to the Temple first and foremost to worship God, not primarily to feel good about themselves.  It was not about them, it was about worshipping Almighty God.  1st century Christians gathered also to worship and praise Christ.  It was not about being entertained, or about skits or kids programs or live bands with jumbo-tron screens, or even walking out with a warm fuzzy.  It was about worshiping Christ. For 1st century Christians, the Church was not a mere inspirational social club. It was Christ centered not self-centered.    

As CS Lewis stated over 50 years ago in his classic book Mere Christianity, The only reason one should embrace a particular church is if it is TrueNot because of the 6 reasons above.  If one desires to be true to our Lord Jesus Christ, the only reason to attend any church is if it is what his Apostles taught. I hope you agree.  If you don't, then you are free to do and believe anything and everything under the sun for truth does not matter.  Or more conveniently, your truth differs from everyone else's truth, and truth is a private matter.  In essence Truth is relative. This is not a Christian Gospel, it is the human secularist gospel.


The modern churches of today have become mere inspirational social clubs with a watered down Christianity that does not accurately reflect the teachings of the Apostles to Christ's early Church.  And if you examine them closely, modern Protestantism does not even reflect the teachings of their own first Protestants in the 16th century, the men who were supposed to reform the Church of God.  How could the Apostles have taught your church's distinctive teachings if the first Protestants didn't even teach them 400+ years ago?  Did Christ's Gospel change?  Did Christ change?  Doesn't Scripture tell us that: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings."Hebrews 13:8-9 How did Christ's Gospel change then for your church?  For it teaches a gospel not taught before the last few hundred years?  How do you rationalize this?  Have you tested this conundrum? “Test everything. Hold on to the good.”  1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 It is on this point that I would like to speak with you.  If you attend church for any of the above 6 reasons, this letter will most likely be meaningless for your motives for attending church in the first place are not primarily focused on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  But if your motives are sincere and you do desire to embrace the One true Gospel of Jesus Christ, no matter where it leads you and no matter what it costs you, then perhaps the following will be of interest to you. "There is One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God." (Eph 4:4)  

What was the Christian Faith called in the early Church?  The Holy Bible tells us the people were called "Christians" and history tells us the Faith was called the "Universal" Faith or the "Catholic" Faith which in Greek means universal.  It was called the Catholic or Katholikos Church in Greek.   As early a 110 AD, in the same city where the term "Christian" was coined (Antioch), we find written example of it being called the "Universal" or "Catholic" Church by one of St. John's students.

"Wherever the bishop appears, let the people be there; just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church"
by Ignatius of Antioch, Second Bishop of Antioch and disciple of John the Apostle, Letter to the Smyrneans 8:2 [A.D. 110]).

On the other hand, the modern Christian communities, (comprising 1000s of conflicting and ever evolving faiths) were nonexistent in the 16th century when Martin Luther broke from the Universal Church. Before this time there were no Protestant churches nor any Protestant ideas. Distinctive Protestant ideas in any form were not taught by the Apostles for they were not invented yet. Please "test" this fact of history. Find just one Christian who espoused any distinctly Protestant idea in the first millennium.

The crux of this revelation is what one will do with this knowledge.
It all depends on why one attends church in the first place.

All Christians should desire to believe as the Apostles taught Christ's early Church, no matter where it leads them and no matter what it costs them.
Do you desire this? 


For that is what Our Lord demands of us.

``If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.'' (Matt. 16:24).
"and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me." (Matt 10:38).

Is this what you desire? As it is often stated: "Catholic theology comprises the verses not yet underlined in your personal Bible."  It's a big book and one cannot take a single verse and make an entire theology/religion out of it.  One must always look at what ELSE Christ taught or what ELSE the Apostle Paul taught.  Context is the key. The Holy Scriptures must be read and interpreted in the same spirit in which they were written. Do you agree with this last sentence?


An Exercise in Logic
Two Logic Proofs from History 101 demonstrating how the modern Christian theologies did not even exist in the first millennium, making it impossible for Christ and His Apostles to have taught to His early Church.

No distinctive Protestant idea existed in the 1st millennium. Not one.
Therefore the whole of the Protestant belief system (and its offshoots) lacks apostolicity and Biblicism.

The laws of deductive logic tell us:

If the premises of a valid argument are true, then its conclusion must also be true.
It is impossible for the conclusion of a valid argument to be false while its premises are true.

A.  All  boys are human.
B.  Billy is a boy.
C. Therefore Billy is human.

The premises in this case are true, therefore the conclusion: Billy is human is also true.
For a quick review of deductive logic and the laws thereof visit: http://www.philosophypages.com/lg/e01.htm

And likewise:

A.  Distinctive Protestant, Mormon and JW beliefs do not predate the renaissance era.  (1450-1600 A.D.)
B.  The teachings of the Apostles predate the renaissance era by 1000+ years.
C   Therefore logic and historical timelines tell us, that no distinctive Protestant, Mormon or JW belief was taught by the Apostles.
(And subsequently written into the NT Bible).

The fact of the matter, is that in the case of modern Protestantism or its offshoots, their distinctive ideas were not even embraced by their own first Protestants, much less the Apostles. On a linear and sequential timeline, this makes it impossible for these modern ideas to be written into the Holy Bible 2000 years earlier. They didn't exist in that era and would not exist for a 1400+ years to come.
(Click here: Three questions your pastor will not answer concerning his theology. https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges/formypastor.html)
Again, please "test" premise A. Reject what logic tells you is impossible for the Apostles to have taught. It is of utmost importance to reconcile this logic truth.  If we ignore this argument or rationalize it without disproving premise A, we are free to believe anything and everything under the Sun, and it really doesn't matter if the Apostles taught it or not.  We are free to call "anything" Biblical, just as the Mormons and the JW's do.

Logic tells us that this faith, the faith of the Catholic/Universal Church was the faith of the Apostles for there was no other faith. And the same logic tells us that no distinctive Protestant idea was taught by the Apostles for not one predates the renaissance era.

If the premises of a valid argument are true, then its conclusion must also be true.
It is impossible for the conclusion of a valid argument to be false while its premises are true.

A.  In the first millennium, there was only one Christian Faith.
B.  The apostles lived in the first millennium.
C.  Therefore the only Christian Faith of the first millennium, was the Faith of the Apostles
(and therefore that of the Holy Bible).  

The Faith of the 1st millennium was the Catholic or Universal Faith for there was no other Christian faith.
(Catholic is Katholikos in Greek which means "universal").

All Bible Believing Christians should "Test” premise A as the Holy Bible commands:

“Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.”
1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

Test premise A. If one cannot find any of the Protestant theologies predating the renaissance era, nor even the 10th century, why would one erroneously assume the Apostles taught these ideas in the 1st century? No Protestant idea was taught in the first 1000+ years of Christianity. No Protestant idea was taught before the renaissance era. For the invention of Protestantism and the Protestant belief system was born in the middle if not the latter half of the second millennium, 1000+ years after the Apostles wrote the Holy Bible. One cannot find a single Christian who taught Protestant ideas or embraced the Protestant belief system in any shape or form. Please test this logic as the Holy Bible commands. The only Christian Faith of the first millennium was the Catholic Faith for there was no other. It is that faith that should be embraced if one wants to believe as the Apostles believed. Test this. Test Premise A. and accept the results history and logic provides for us.


But what of the Protestant idea of SOLA SCRIPTURA (SS) OR THE BIBLE ONLY IDEA?

Do not many Protestants claim that SS was taught by the early Church Fathers such as St. Augustine (5th century) or other Catholic Saints? This line of reasoning is logically impossible for the modern Christian as illustrated below.

So which is it? 
Either the Church Fathers (such as St Augustine) embraced SS,
or they didn't.

1.  Is Catholic Theology
, which St Augustine embraced without exception, a product of Sola Scriptura? If so why do Protestants reject it? 
 Or,  can we presume that Augustine embraced SS, but his product of SS was apostate (i.e., Catholic theology).  This in turn renders SS an invalid tool for Bible study for its product is apostasy, and a corruption of the Gospel of Christ.  Therefore SS must be rejected because it is flawed, subjective and inaccurate. It doesn't work every time, if anytime.
3. Or, can we conclude that St Augustine did not embrace SS, even though many modern Protestants illogically claim he did?

So which is the case? 1,2, or 3?  How do you answer this for one cannot have it both ways. Either (name your early Church Father here) embraced SS or he didn't. If he did, answer question 1 or 2. If he didn't answer question 3..

But this is all predicated on one wanting to believe as the Apostles taught Christ's early Church, no matter where it leads him and no matter what it costs him. If this is not your desire, all bets are off and you are free to believe anything and everything whether the Apostles taught it or not. But if this is not the case, then test premise A and find just one Christian in the first millennium who taught outside of the Faith of the Catholic/Universal Church. If you find not a single Christian soul, then accept premise A and conclusion C.
C.   Therefore logic and historical timelines tell us, that no distinctive Protestant belief existed in the first millennium or was taught by the Apostles.
(And subsequently written into the NT Bible).

The Holy Bible is materially sufficient in that it holds all the materials for the complete faith of Christ's Gospel, but it is not formally sufficient, in that everything required for the Christian Faith is present in the proper form to "take off the shelf" if you will.  A perfect example is the Holy Trinity.  It is "materially" present in the Holy Bible but it is not "formally" present, for nowhere does the Holy Bible define the Trinity as: One God in three persons, all existing from eternity, that the Spirit proceeded from the Father and the Son as the Nicene Creed states.  Where does it state that the Holy Spirit is Divine as well as a separate person in the Trinity or define the Trinity as we know it today, or even mention the word "Trinity?" 

Another example is the Christian understanding of Christ, that he was fully divine and fully human, one person not two, but with two natures, one divine and one human.  Was he born human and then became divine?? Or vise versa or was He half and half?  Or did he possess both qualities since the incarnation or did He acquire them sometime later?  These principles and doctrines are not "Formally" presented in the Holy Bible so for one to claim it is "the complete Truth and all that we need" ignores the fact that not everything is in the Bible in a formal manner. "Something else" gave us these formal definitions of GOD. And that something else is the: "The church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of Truth" 1 Tim 3:15.


The following contains many verses from the Holy Scriptures not used at your church that might change your view of what the Apostles actually taughtBelow are 3 powerful Biblical reasons why you should reject the theology of your current church. Please don't take this letter as an attack on your church but instead a letter in accordance with the Holy Scriptures which state:


“Now I beseech you brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all say the same thing, and that there be no dissension among you, but that you be perfectly united in one mind and in one judgment.”  (1 Cor 1:10)


It is God's intent that Christians be "united in one mind and judgment" on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  With that verse in mind discover below why you currently attend the church that you do.  Many people go to church, or "a church" for many difference reasons.

Below are 3 reasons to reject the distinctive modern theology of your Pastor.

Please test his distinctive theology as the Holy Bible commands.  Test it for Apostolicity, see if it was taught by the Apostles and test it for Biblicism.  If the Apostles didn't teach it, nor any other Christian in the first millennium, how did it get into the NT Bible if it wasn't invented yet? “Test everything. Hold on to the good.”  1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 


1. The first reason to reject the modern Christian theologies: The "distinctive" ideas and doctrines taught at your church are not what the Apostles taught Christ's infant Church.  This is a bold claim but it is substantiated by the fact that these same ideas and doctrines were not even taught by Protestantism's first Protestants in the 16th century. 

Therefore it is a leap of logic, in fact a logical fallacy to believe they were expressed by the Apostles 1500+ years earlier.  It's like the electric light bulb.  It was invented in the 19th century by Thomas Edison.  For your pastor to claim his theology was taught by the Apostles is akin to saying the Apostles taught scripture by electric lights, which is impossible for both are modern inventions not predating the last few hundred years.  Research this yourself.  Just because someone says something is "Biblical" does not mean the Apostles taught it.  Ask your pastor how his distinctive and modern theology could be what the Apostles taught when it was not even embraced by his own reformers in the 16th century.  Ask him.  He calls his ideas “Biblical,” yet he knows his distinctive ideas are modern inventions, not taught by the Apostles and not even embraced by his own reformers.  And now you know this as well.  How did his ideas become “Biblical” if the Apostles did not teach them, much less his own reformers??  What will you do with this knowledge?
Click here: Three questions your pastor will not answer concerning his theology. https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges/formypastor.html

Ask him. When were your church's ideas and doctrines invented?  Most come from the Anabaptist sect, a radical splinter group off the Church of England and mainland Protestantism in the 16th-17th centuries, and some are of a more recent origin.     
See for yourself. Click here: The Origins and Authors of Distinctly Protestant Doctrines https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges/dates.html   

2.  The second reason to reject the modern Christian theologies: Your pastor teaches at least 50 Unbiblical and anti-Biblical ideas and doctrines not found in the Holy Bible.  Your pastor's mantra of "Bible Only" is contradicted by its own theology.  Not all of your pastor's ideas and doctrines are contrary to the Holy Scriptures, yet many are absent from Scripture yes some do contradict Scripture. 
Click here: The Bible Only?  50 Unbiblical Practices and Doctrines embraced by the modern Christian theologies https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges/unbiblical.html

3. The third reason to reject the modern Christian theologies. This is the most surprising reason yet the most important one.  It is because your church's parishioners are compelled to use and embrace an unbiblical and anti-biblical definition and concept of "Christ's Church."  This modern concept is completely without Biblical support.

There are 3 Fundamental ways your church departs from the Church of the Holy Bible These are the verses not taught or underlined in the Bibles at your church and are detailed at the following link.
Click here: 3 Fundamental ways your church and the other non-Catholic communities depart from the Church of the Holy Bible https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges/onchurch.html

If you are a Bible believing Christian and believing the One and true Gospel of Jesus Christ means anything to you, please write me or investigate the claims of apostolicity and Biblicism by your pastor as the Holy Bible Commands: 

“Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.”  1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

If by chance you attend church for any of the above 6 reasons, please reflect on your motives and what Our Lord requires of us.  Our Lord not only demands our faith, but also our obedience in that faith: Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.  (Matt 7:21) 
And we are accountable for that faith and the knowledge Christ gives us to live our faith. “If we sin deliberately after receiving knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains sacrifice for sins 27 but a fearful prospect of judgment and a flaming fire that is going to consume the adversaries.” Hebrews  10: 26 My friend, just because you have believed something for years on end, doesn't mean it is true, or even that the Apostles taught it.  It just means someone has told you this or that is "Biblical."  Yet anyone can say anything is "Biblical." The real litmus test is:  "Did the Apostles teach it."  And if Protestantism's own reformers didn't even teach the idea 400+ years ago,,, how on earth did Christ's Apostles teach it 2000 years ago??  My friend, please do not consider this an attack on your faith but only the wishes of unity as expressed by Our Lord Jesus Christ who commanded:  “I have given them [believers] the glory that you gave me, that they may be as one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” (John 17:22,23) 
If we call ourselves Christians, is it not incumbent upon us to believe what Christ actually taught? Or can we believe anything and everything we want, as long as our pastor calls theses ideas "Biblical?" "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."  (Matt 7:21)

All Christians should want to believe as the Apostles taught Christ's infant Church, no matter where it leads them and no matter what it costs them.  Do you feel this same way? And if so, why then do you embrace a gospel the first Protestants didn't even teach and is impossible for the Apostles to have taught?

"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.
Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." 
1 Peter 3:15


In Conclusion

Christian reader.
If you reject Christ's historical Church, (the only Christian Faith that dates back to 33AD), if you reject this Church as the "Pillar and Foundation of Truth" (1 Tim 3:15), what Biblical command or what Biblical basis are you using to justify this? Or is this rejection Unbiblical, and you are simply embracing a "tradition of man" from the Renaissance era. The Renaissance era philosopher chose to reject Christ's Church to justify his new theology (ies). The unbiblical theology being that the Bible is the SOLE or ONLY infallible rule of faith all by itself, and the Authority that Christ gave his Church as illustrated in the Holy Bible itself does not exist! I.e., the Renaissance era doctrine of "Sola Scriptura" or the "Bible Alone." This idea frees the Christian to believe *anything he wants* about the Gospel of Christ for there is no one to stop him. Hence the 1000s and 1000s of modern Christian denominations and non-denominations present today. Look up the word "church" in your yellow pages for an illustration. Search the Holy Bible, and find just One verse that teaches the “Sola” or the “Bible ONLY” idea, which mandates a rejection of the authority of Christ's Church. A rejection of the one "Bride of Christ." Click here: Is Sola Scriptura or the "Bible Only theory" even Biblical? Where does the Bible teach the "SOLA" in Sola Scriptura? In 1000 AD there was ONE Belief system for all of Christianity, one Christian Church, just as there was in 500 AD and 100 AD and in 33 AD., One Faith, the Universal (Catholic in Greek) Church. The Church Christ started in Matt 16:16-19. Christ's Church, the one "Bride of Christ."
St. Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch and direct student of St. John the Apostles wrote in 110 AD.
"Wherever the bishop appears, let the people be there; just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church" (Letter to the Smyrneans 8:2 [A.D. 110]).
For more quotes on what "Catholic" means and how the Church was called Catholic since the 1st century
Click here: What "Catholic" Means http://www.catholic.com/library/What_Catholic_Means.asp
What else is there, what else has Christ's Infallibly Authority??? The Holy Bible tells us that before the NT Bible was even written, there was: "The church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth" 1 Tim 3:15. Christ's Church AND the Bible is the Authority you seek, just as the Holy Bible tells us over and over. For this Church is the institution that actually wrote and preserved the Bible. You may have been taught the opposite for many years, but just because one has believed something for years on end, doesn't mean it's true. I hope you agree. It's what the Bible tells us and what Christianity has taught for 2000 years.
"So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught, whether by word of mouth or by letter from us." 2 Thessalonians 2:15

Jesus Christ does not change and neither does his Gospel. That is the reason for his ONE Church, to spread his ONE Gospel. Yet, instead of embracing the teachings of the Apostles as written in the Holy Bible and even embraced by his own Protestant reformers, the modern Christian will cling to the Unbiblical and Anti-Biblical idea of "many faiths" or the "body of believers" and justify his present church's theology as somehow echoing the true teachings of the Apostles. When the fact is, many of his pastor's “strange teachings” Hebrews 13:8-9 were not even embraced by his own first Protestants in the 16th century. This is the quintessential example of non-Catholics believing what their pastor tells them is "just the Bible" rather than believing what the Apostles taught to include the whole of orthodox Christianity to include the first Protestant reformers. Only when Bible Believing Christians accept the Bible's example and the teachings of Christ's Church and embrace the Authority he bestowed on it, -- only then will Christians reject the illogical, unhistorical, unbiblical and even anti-biblical idea of "Bible Alone" and a rejection of Christ's Church for their complete knowledge of Christ's Gospel. Only then will they embrace:
The church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth" 1 Tim 3:15
Only then will they come to the fullness of Christ's Gospel. Christ does not change, so how did his Gospel change for your pastor, or the pastor down the street teaching yet another gospel or the pastor across the street from him?

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings."
Hebrews 13:8-9

God Bless you and all you do, Daniel

“If we sin deliberately after receiving knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains sacrifice for sins 27 but a fearful prospect of judgment and a flaming fire that is going to consume the adversaries”. Hebrews 10: 26

Please email me with your questions and concerns at: mail to:INRI33AD@aol.com


The Catholic Faith comprises the verses not underlined in your personal Bible nor taught in
Modern Christian seminaries or churches.

Read the Bible verses not underlined in your Bible.

“Test everything. Hold on to the good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21

Suggested reading:

Intro to the Catholic Faith for Evangelicals http://www.davidmacd.com/catholic/index2.htm

Catholic Answers: "Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth" A compendium of basic Catholic beliefs and the Biblicism behind these beliefs. http://www.catholic.com/library/pillar.asp

FAQ about the Catholic Faith from Columbia University


45 Practices and Doctrines not found in the Holy Bible.

2. JUST THE TRUTH: 2 Dozen Logic and Historical Facts Refuting the Apostolicity and Biblicism of the Modern Christian Belief Systems "Test Everything." 1 Thess 5:21 https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges/justfacts.html

3. An Exercise in Logic, Two Logic Proofs from History 101 demonstrating how the modern Christian theologies did not even exist in the first millennium, making it impossible for Christ and His Apostles to have taught to His early Church.

4. Three uneasy questions for your pastor concerning his personal theology. https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges/formypastor.html

5. Seven Reasons Christians Go To Church, Which One Is Yours? https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges/7stages.html

6. "The 7 Stages of Christian Spiritual Development" What stage are you? https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges/7stages.html

7. The Historical Origins & Authors of the Modern Christian Theologies. https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges/dates.html

8. Is Sola Scriptura or the "Bible Only" idea even Biblical? Where does the Bible teach the "SOLA" or the "ONLY" in Sola Scriptura? https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges/ss.html

9. Modern Christians often ask: "WHAT ELSE IS THERE? What else has Christ's infallible authority besides the Holy Bible?" Featuring the verses not underlined in most Bibles nor taught in modern Christian seminaries or churches. https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges/whatelse.html

10. FAITH ALONE (SOLA FIDE): It is a Catholic Position. Have you been taught that Catholics "work their way to Heaven?" https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges/faithalone.html

11. "Who is the Bride of Christ?" What does the Holy Bible say? https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges/bride.html

12. Did the BEREANS "Search the Scriptures" and therefore follow the BIBLE ONLY idea?
Or did the THESSALONIANS, who also "Searched the Scriptures?

13. The 3rd Unanswered Challenge for the Non-Catholic Theologies:
Is the Catholic Faith Apostolic? Name just one Catholic doctrine that isn't. Name one doctrine the early Church believed,,,, that the Catholic Faith today *no longer does*. Why can't the modern Christian theologies make the same bold claim?

14. Biblically, did the "Official Teachings or Doctrines of the Catholic Faith" become corrupt or Apostate as your Pastor might teach? Are there verses in the Holy Scriptures that forbid the "Gates of Hell" from overcoming His Church? What does the Holy Bible really say about: "The Church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth" 1 Tim :15? https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges/gatesofhell.html

15. Is Praying to Saints Biblical? Is the "HAIL MARY" Prayer Biblical? Read the verses not underlined in your pastors Bible nor taught in his church. https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges/saints.html

16. How Modern Christian are compelled to use and embrace an unbiblical and anti-biblical definition and concept of a Christian Church. https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges/onchurch.html

Return to Homepage "A Biblical Case for the Catholic Faith"
at: https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges"

Email: : INRI33AD@aol.com


There is a case for the Catholic Faith. Perhaps you have just not given it a fair hearing. I can guarantee you that much of what your current pastor "says" Catholics believe, is not what they really believe. Always go to the source. One wouldn't ask the Democrats to comment on Republican ideals, and likewise, it is not fair to ask modern Christian Pastors to explain Catholic theology. Ask "knowledgeable" Catholics what they believe or read it yourself on this site or the "Links" at the top of this page. Catholic theology was not invented in the last few hundred years as we find in Protestantism, it is the faith of the Apostles and that of your Christian Fathers for 2000 years. It is the "Bride of Christ" Click here: How to Become Catholic

Please let me hear from you with your questions or comments.

God Bless you,

"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." 1 Peter 3:15

Many modern Christian pastors teach their parishioners that Catholic theology is not Apostolic, that it is not the teachings of the Apostles to Christ's early Church. I would offer the following challenge to you to ask your pastor:
Click here: 3rd Unanswered Challenge for the modern Christian Theologies: Is Catholic Theology Apostolic? Name one doctrine that isn't. Name one doctrine the early Church believed, that the Catholic Faith no longer does. https://www.angelfire.com/home/protestantchallenges/3challenge.html

Please ask your pastor to email me with his answers/objections and please feel free to email me yourself with your questions, objections or comments.
And please, ask your pastor the 3 Questions about his theology. And test his response as the Holy Bible commands.

“Test everything. Hold on to the good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

Ignatius of Antioch, 110 A.D.
(Bishop of Antioch and student of St John the Apostle):

"Let no one do anything of concern to the Church without the bishop. Let that be considered a valid Eucharist which is celebrated by the bishop or by one whom he ordains [i.e., a presbyter]. Wherever the bishop appears, let the people be there; just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church" (Letter to the Smyrneans 8:2 [A.D. 110]).
This and many other quotes from your Church Fathers can be found at the following link:
Click here for the teachings of the Students of the Apostles on the following subjects: http://www.catholic.com/library/fathers_know_best.asp

Below are the very words of our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture not underlined in your Bible on many subjects to include:

What "Catholic" Means & how from the 1st century the Church was called Catholic:
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Mortal Sin and the Ability to lose one's Salvation,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Baptizing Babies,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on The Real Presence Of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on The evil in Abortion,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on The Existence of Purgatory in Scripture
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on The Antichrist,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Peter the Rock on which the Church was founded,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Apostolic Succession in the Church,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Praying to the Saints,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on the role of Apostolic Tradition in the Word of God,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on The Salvation of Non-Catholics,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on The Sacrifice of the Mass,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on The Necessity of Baptism,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Astrology,

Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on the evil of Birth Control,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on The Authority of the Pope in the Church,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Baptismal Grace and what it does,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Bishops Priests Deacons in Scripture,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Born Again in Baptism,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Confession and Confirmation,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Mary: "Full of Grace",
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Creation and Genesis,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Creation Out of Nothing,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on the Divinity of Christ,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Divorce & Remarriage,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Do Miracles Still Happen?,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Does God Have a Body?
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on the Eternal Son ship of Christ,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Filioque,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on God in Three Persons,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Hell,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Homosexuality,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Mary: Ever Virgin Mary,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Merit and Reward,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on The Old Testament Canon,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on One God or Many?,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Peter's Successors,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Peter in Rome,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on the Primacy of Peter,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Private Revelation, Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Reincarnation,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Resurrection of the Body,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Sabbath or Sunday?
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on The Trinity,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Trinitarian Baptism,
Our Apostolic Fathers teaching Scripture on Women and the Priesthood

*Any reference to the phrase "modern Christian" or "non-Catholic" excludes the Eastern Orthodox Churches

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