Queer Hot Spots
[official sites]   [fan sites]

  [episode recaps]   [pictures, videos & more]   [fan fiction]  

Official Sites of former QAF actors:

  Showtime (US)

  Showcase (Canada)

  Robert Gant (Ben)

  the Arts Bureau (tAB) - Randy Harrison co-founder

  Patrick Antosh

  Thea Gill

  Scott Lowell

  Peter Paige

  Hal Sparks


Queer As Folk Web Sites and Fan Pages:

  Queer as Folk Music Archive

  www.queerasfolkitalia.it (Italia)

  www.queerasfolk.it (QAF Italia)

  Intense... a site by Liz

  Gantastic America (a Robert Gant fan site)

  Michael and Brian

  QAF Scans Gallery

  Queer As Folk German Fan Site

  Hal Sparks: Ain't He Grand

  Michael and Ben: Living in the Now

  Hal Sparks Fan Site

  Queer As Folk Fan Site

  Peter Paige Pictures (black & white)

  Liberty Avenue - a QAF fansite


Queer As Folk US Episode Recaps

  TV.com - Episodes (and more)

  Across the Pond - Xof's Recaps


QAF Multimedia - pictures, videos and more

  In-X-plicable Fan Art by JenR

  Queer Eyes by paddies

  Eliot's QAF Screen Grabs

  kitze productions - Wendy & f1renze

  Gale Harold Fan Art Cafe Gallery

  QAF Fan Site Screen Captures

  Behind the Scenes pics and clips

  A collection of Brian and Justin sounds


QAF Fan Fiction:

  Across The Pond QAF Fiction Archive

  Randall's Rambles (fan fiction by Randall Morgan)

  Brian Hennessey Fan Fiction

  QAF Fan Fic by Ethan

  Mercury Rising - Erin Griffin

  Guilty Pleasures Fan Fic Listing

  QAF Fan Fic by Morpheus

  HannahKelli's Fan Fic

  Lane Carson's QAF FanFic (Brian and Justin)

  Under the Blue Lights: The writings of Paul Plesko

  BJFIC.net - Brian & Justin

  Kiss the Pig QAF Fan Fiction, Pictures, and more

  Irina's QAF Fan Fiction

  Moon Shadow TRIBE Fan Fiction

  Frozen in Time by Sandra Gia

  'Neath the Pale Moonlight Fiction

  Ardra's Fan Fiction

  Delirious Delusions - Circe's Fan Fiction

  Gael McGear's Queer Theories

  QAF Fan Fiction Archive

  Ana Mouse's Fiction
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