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Earth Day



"I wish you never discovered hiking." "It was one of the benefits of the way it was before." It caused the whole situation, becuase had I been active enough people would have cried it would have shut the whole thing down.

Luckily you had the telepathic device and could control my behavior.

Anyways, sedintarianism didn't help Maureen.

I want to enjoy what weeks I have left before I go in for life. Not hiking would have just produced a lifestyle like before, only drug-free.

I expect it was going to happen anyways. "Not this soon!"

They tell people not to hike and they punish people for engaging in such enviornmentally friendly actvity.

It's one of the reasons the Freennch get fucked: The Age Of Enllightenment.

And, may I add, the reason Johhn Muuiir was treated with hostility.

And why the native americans were anhilalated. And why other indigenous peoples' cultures were destroyed with their arm of evil, the Rooman Caattholic church.