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Welcome to Sonic land where you can find information, cheats, downloads and more on Sonic the Hedgehog and friends.

if you have any comments email me at: or leave a message on the guestbook.
(special thanks to Nintendopete for some pics and info)
(Note if some pics don't show up, right click on it and press show picture)
My ICQ is 104867902 add me if u like

New Stuff

(newest things will be at the top of list)

I'm Running out of ideas people please email me or sompthin
Got a really really cool online Sonic Game
Got a really cool online comic, check it out NOW
Made a new banner
Got a live chat. Check it out you don't even need to sign up or anything.
Got a new section up 
I've Broken my arm but i'm trying! Got an Award
New Poll
More characters in character info 
Sonic Adventures2 review Up
Working on Sonic Adventures2 review almost done
I'm having a bit of a problem with Angelfire right now so its hard to put on downloads. I will fix it soon.
Got a few good links
Getting all downloads in one go will have on soon
Some Downloads Up
Music up !!!!! listen
Cheats Finally done and up
Doing all the cheats in one go will be up soon.
Got character info up but haven't got every character up yet 
Pictures up in downloads/pics section but no downloads up yet