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Travel Elektra Projects
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Last Updated: October 15, 2004 2:46 PM

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Strawhenge Home

Why Straw-Bale? & A Brief History 

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Photo Documentation:

Our Camp Site 
Our Tractor & Other Cool Tools
Our Storage Container
Building a New Road 
Building a Sawmill 
NEW Sawmill

Preparing our Septic System 
Preparing For Our Shop/Garage
Our submarine-like Propane Tank
General Photos of Interest 

Initial House Plans:
Site Plan & Floor Plan


General Photos of Interest 
The Doggies

Click on any photo to see a larger view 

General Photos of Interest

Mike welding a cable gate. Welding gate: Well as we continue to accumulate things, and as we aren't out at our land at all times, a little bit of security is in order. Mike welded a couple of cable-style gates to the two main access roads to our property.
February 2000
Tootie mixing concrete. Mixing Concrete: Our friend Tootie - helps mix concrete for the gate posts.
February 2000
Water tank Water tank: We don't have a well at the land, so having some water on hand is a good idea. We bought this tank to slowly-but-gradually fill, so we can easily put out our camp-fire, and wash etc.
Painter - completed trailer - made by Mike Trailer: Mike welded a 10' trailer from scratch. This is the finished product. Mike painted it yellow as you can see. He also painted most of the things in our garage yellow too!
December 1999
Back view of trailer Trailer: Back view of the trailer. It's been very handy - but Mike complains it's not big enough!! 


The Doggies:

Why have all this land, if you don't have the pitter-patter of four-legged friends? Rocky - a couple of months before he died.

And in memory of dear Rocky-Raccoon, who died on July, 31st, 2000. Pebbles in an "R" mark Rocky's grave

Pebbles mark an "R" at his gravesite, which is at our land (so he will always be there).



Rufus likes to ride in the truck (March 2001) .


Rufus has a pretty nice winter coat (December 2003).


Bubba enjoying the autumn leaves, and a piece of bark! (October 2004).

Bubs 04

More photos to come...check back again!