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Last Updated: 03/12/2004

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Strawhenge Home

Why Straw-Bale? & A Brief History 

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Photo Documentation:

Our Camp Site 
Our Tractor & Other Cool Tools
Our Storage Container
Building a New Road 
Building a Sawmill 
NEW Sawmill

Preparing our Septic System 
Preparing For Our Shop/Garage
Our submarine-like Propane Tank
General Photos of Interest 

Initial House Plans:
Site Plan & Floor Plan


Building a New Road 

The little piece of land we bought has a down-side. It contains an access easement for private land that surrounds it. When this land was originally parceled out, for some strange reason they put this access road, bang-smack through the middle of the piece we bought. We decided our first major task was going to have to be moving the road to afford us more usable space and more privacy. What a lot of incredibly hard and back-breaking work!!

Click on any photo to see a larger view 

Starting to clear for the new road

Starting to clear the way for the new road. Look carefully & you can see a couple of folk hard at work. This photo give you an idea of the density of trees, though even in this photo much has been cleared. You can also see a pile of sticks that shows what dead wood we've cleared just in this small area. It was so dense that you couldn't walk through it at all.
August 1999
A few small trees felled - and Tootie marking our boundary line. Our friend Tootie is marking the boundary line with bright orange spray paint. You can see a couple of small trees have been felled, and most of the debris removed.

The road is starting to take shape  - August 1999

You can see the new road taking shape You can see the new road taking shape.
Most of the trees are down - to make way for the new road. As you can see in this photo, some of our trees are quite large. Mike would chainsaw-fell a tree, saw off all the limbs and then I would gather all the debris into a big pile to be disposed of later (burned!)

Stump Removal  - September 1999

Close-up of the Dozer at work. We paid a neighbor for his labor and use of his bulldozer to clear the stumps for our new road. This photo shows a close-up of Blaine operating the bulldozer. I got a coating of dust trying to take this photo!
Head-on view of dozer coming down the road. Head-on view of the dozer coming down the road to remove the stumps. Very impressive.
Rear view of the dozer - leaving a clear path behind it. Rear view of dozer as it leaves a relatively clear path behind!
Wow! It really looks like a road now! Mike proudly showing off the new road. There's still a lot of work to be done, shaping and grading, but as you can see - it definitely looks like a road now. The earth was incredibly soft after being churned up by the tree stumps and dozer. It was like walking on a bed of flour!!

Lots of Grading Required

Jo Grading the new road Lots of grading to be done. We had to go back and forth along the road a zillion times to smooth out the road, and help it take its shape! 
Our friend Garr did some of the road grading We even got our friend Garr to do some of the grading! 

Pulling and Stacking Logs

Tractor Dragging a log Before we bought our forklift attachment, the logs were chained up and drug to their stacking destination (by the side of the old road). 
Timbers stacked by the side of the old road. We have two decent sized   piles of logs stacked by the side of the old road - awaiting construction!

Burning all that excess wood  - January 2000

Mike starts a fiew with a blow torch! Mike starts the fire with a blow-torch We pull some of the brush aside and start small!
Smokey Mike Pretty smokey!