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Last Updated: 03/12/2004

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Photo Documentation:

Our Camp Site 
Our Tractor & Other Cool Tools
Our Storage Container
Building a New Road 
Building a Sawmill 
NEW Sawmill

Preparing our Septic System 
Preparing For Our Shop/Garage
Our submarine-like Propane Tank
General Photos of Interest 

Initial House Plans:
Site Plan & Floor Plan


Septic System 

We have decided to use Infiltrators with our septic storage tank. We had to dig a hole to place the tank itself (which is HUGE) and are in the process of digging three trenches for the infiltrators. 

Click on any photo to see a larger view 

Percolation test

Mike measuring depth of hole for percolation test. In order to get a permit for our septic system, we had to perform a percolation test. This photo shows Mike measuring the depth of a hole we dug to test the percolation. We dug this hole with our auger attachment for the tractor. I didn't have a photo of that attachment on the tractor page - sorry!
May 2000

Digging the big hole for the tank

We had to jackhammer a lot of the hole! The tractor would only go so deep and reach only so far,  before it was barely scratching the earth. After about 3 feet or so of relatively soft pumas we hit tuffa which was like hitting concrete. We ended up renting a jackhammer and going at the hole by hand! Lots of hard work!
July 2000
Digging the hole for the septic tank This photo shows Mike and Liz down the hole for the septic tank. At this point the hole is near completion. Mike's actually measuring and checking that it's level.
July 2000

Mike and Bubba at the hole - tank delivered The tank was delivered! Phew - we don't have to do that again!
September 2000
Cloe-up of the tank in place.

Digging the Infiltrator Trenches

Digging the trenches for the infiltrators Well after our experience digging the tank hole, we decided our tractor was too small to conveniently dig all the trenches required for the Infiltrators. We hired local "excavator/Hauler" Louis Sandoval to do the honors. This photo shows him easily finishing off the first trench we started with our tractor.
May 20, 2001
All 3 trenches have been dug. This photo shows all three trenches have been created. Each is approx. 3 feet wide and 40 feet long. Bubba is walking in front of one of the infiltrators that will sit in these trenches and make up the septic line. 
May 20, 2001

Placing the Infiltrators in the Trenches

Measuring the infiltrator Each infiltrator is 6.5 feet long and interlocks onto the next. Here Mike is on the other end of the measuring tape.
May 28, 2001
Mike Jack Hammering Well despite all that digging, we still had to rent a jackhammer to even out some lumps and bumps so that the infiltrators could sit flat on the bottom. We also had to widen a couple of spots where the infiltrators wouldn't quite fit. They wouldn't interlock properly otherwise and their structural integrity would be impaired.
May 28, 2001
Infiltrators in the trenches Nearly all of the infiltrators have been placed in the trenches in this photo. Mike still ironing out a few  areas before the very last ones are placed.
May 28, 2001

Filling in the Infiltrator Trenches

Mike compacting the dirt on top of the trenches. We filled in several inches of dirt over the top of the infiltrators, along the length of the trench. We had rented a dirt compactor (a vibrating, heavy thumping machine) and Mike ran it back and forth along the trench before we added more dirt, to ensure the infiltrators were safely covered.
May 28, 2001
Trenches almost covered. It's about 7 a.m. and still with hot coffee in hand, we inspect our progress. The trenches, as you can see are almost covered. Until we get our pipe installed, we have to leave the ends exposed.
May 29, 2001

Digging the Pipe Trenches

Re-exposing our septic tank. Rufus is standing on the tank. We had to re-expose the Septic Tank which had been covered in dirt while we were digging the trenches. Rufus is standing on top of the tank, and you can see we've nearly gone far enough down to expose the hole for the pip inlet.
May 29, 2001
Pipe trench We've made a start with the ABS piping which will go to the distribution box, and then evenly distribute liquid "waste" to each Infiltrator for ground absorption. The tank has two compartments and will retain the "solids". mmmmm
May 29, 2001

The Distribution Box

Distribution box set in conrete We set the distribution box in concrete.
June 6, 2001
Barrel covering distribution box for access if needed We put a plastic barrel  to protect the distribution box for when we cover the trenches, just in case we want access to it later.
June 6, 2001