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Exchanges, exchanges a long way from home
We're highly obnoxious so leave us alone
We drink when we're thirsty
We drink when we're dry
We drink till we're motherless and then we get high

We are exchanges, exchanges
We live it up we do
So pass some more 'Tequilla 2'.

If the ocean was whisky and I was a duck
I'd swim to the bottom and drink my way up
But the ocean isn't whisky and I'm not a duck
So let's go to Munich and have a good fuck

Host brothers, host sisters, we love them alot
A matter of fact it can get pretty hot
We like to give kisses, we like to give hits
But too many kisses get us in deep shit

Someday we'll be doctors, someday engineers
But right at this moment we're into our beers
No drinking, no driving, no dating, no grass,
These AFS rules are a pain in the arse

We like to eat chocolate, we like to eat cake,
We like to eat ice-cream and gain lots of weight.
Our butts may be fat and our thighs may grow
But give us a chance andd we'll give you a blow.

We're highly disorginised, we're fucked in the head
We Just hope one day we don't drink ourselves dead
We like to drink whiskey, we like to drink wine
So give us a chance and we'll do 69

We like to party hard, we may be there last,
But that doesn't matter cause we drink really fast.
At the end of the night we smell like a skunk,
But that doesn't matter because we're probably drunk

Exchanges like us, we sometimes do wrong
But give us a chance and we'll sing you a song.
The songs that we sing, we think they're a hit
But to tell you the truth they're a big load of shit

(Sing heaps loud and have a beer)
Hooray AFS!
