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Marsha Durham is one awesome Lady. The date is still etched in my mind as well as my files July 22, 2000. I have the very first email she ever sent to me. I had visited Marsha's Heavensgate website, I was truly blessed by reading her story of God's healing hands. I also visited her graphics pages and sat in awe over her work, I then saw her awards pages and decided to apply for an award for another Lady who shares in God's ministry on the web. Marsha granted that award after visiting the site. In turn she requested the use of my poem titled "Heavens Gates" at her absolutely beautiful website Heavensgate, how could I refuse her, she had such an inspiring site and was truly a God send to me with her graphics, she built an index page of my poetry and put the graphics to my writing in a way that was so beautiful I was eternally greatful. We spent hours over a period of time chatting back and forth over my poems and her graphics, as well as our personal lives we lived, what a joy it was, I miss those days. God works through this wonderful Lady whom I am proud to call my sister in Christ. She gives of herself to others and shares in God's word to help bring others to the Lord. There are truly no words to express how much I have grown to love her over the past year, there are no awards on this earth that can even begin to show her how much she means to me. I know that God holds her rewards in the Kingdom of Heaven. Someday we will all meet on that bright shore and be able to share an eternal life of Joy in a place of true peace and serenity. I Love you Marsha, from the bottom of my heart.

A Tribute to Marsha
by: Gloria Sherwood

One day in July, Not to long ago,
God sent a stranger to me.
Heaven's Gate was the subject,
for all the world to see.

This lady asked for use of a writing,
She told me she wanted to share.
Little did I know then,
Here was a friend who would truly care.

Her gratitude was endless,
As her love of God even more,
I am so blessed by this lady,
I thank God for opening this door.

Many times I have tried to tell her,
How special she is to me,
There are no words to describe to her,
Of what she means to me.

She's the mother and founder of a Christ centered group.
She's compassionate, loving and giving,
A wonderful spirit of friendship she shows,
Which makes my life worth living.

She's a sister to all along the way,
Never a stranger she meets,
A special gift from God above,
A joy to those she greets.

Her arms are open to share in Gods word,
Her shoulders there when one is crying,
A prayer in her heart for those who need,
When she learns of a loved one dying.

I could go on and on all day,
How much she means to my heart,
God knows the love that lives within,
As He has from the very start.

So for you today dear Marsha,
I wanted to share my love,
The bond of friendship are sealed now,
Sent from my Father above.

Visit Gloria's Poetry Pages

Marsha, your mom has a few special words for you, just click her name below.
Emma's Page

Teresa has something special for you, just click her name to go there.
Teresa's Page

Marsha, Marian wrote you a beautiful poem click to go to her poem.
Marian's Poem

Marsha, mom had some beautiful thoughts for you, I put them on a page, click on mom's name to go there.
From Susie

Bettye made you a beautiful page for you. Just click below.
From Bettye

Here's a page from Pat Carpentar.
Pat C

Marsha,we're not done appreciating you, click below to see what Charlotte has to say.
From Charlotte

Marsha's site  Email Valerie

Val's site