More important than mere rules, not quite gospel, nonetheless the Codex is what guides us and makes us who we are. Those of the Teutonics who betray the Codex have worse things to face than the monarch. They have us. From the Grand Master to the newest Candidate, all must honor and follow the Codex. It is a narrow path, but worth the effort, for it is honor, truth, loyalty, and responsibility.
I. A Teutonic shall never leave a comrade to die.
II. A Teutonic shall always accept an honorable challenge.
III. A Teutonic shall protect the weak.
IV. A Teutonic's word is their life.
V. A Teutonic shall never strike a Teutonic with the exception of tourney and/or training.
Chain of Command
I. The Grand Master:The Grand Master is the leader of the Teutonic Order.
A.) The Grand Master is recognized by the German Eagle worn on the center of the chest and by a Gold Cord worn on the right shoulder.
B.) The Grand Master speaks on behalf of the entire Teutonic Order.
C.) The Grand Master is the only one to choose their replacement.
II. The Masters/Leftenants:The Masters are the second in command of the Teutonic Order.
A.) All the Masters shall act in the stead of the Grand Marshal.
B.) All the Masters are chosen by the Grand Marshal.
C.) The Masters perform ambassadorial duties that are required.
D.) The Masters are recognized by the Silver Cord worn on the right shoulder.
III. The Scribe:The Scribe asts as an administrative assistant to the Masters and the Grand Master.
IV. The Brothers/Sisters:The brothers and sisters (the sisters are also known as the Femme Fatala) form the Teutonic Order.
A.) The brothers/sisters are the main fighting force.
When an issue or issues are brought to the Order, usually by the Grand Master or Masters. If the issues are required to be taken care of, a meeting can be called by the Grand Master or any of the Masters. All active members of the Order are requested to attend. This meeting is called a "Covenant." At this Covenant, a can be called to take action, after much discussion. After all the votes are cast, action can only take place after a 2/3rds majority. After a 2/3rds majority is reached, the Grand Master must approve of this action to be taken.
Trial within the Order is defined as: An official trial within the Order, headed by the Grand Master, to decide punishment fitting the crimes, if and when the accused is found guilty. Any member, from the Grand Master to the newest brother can call for a trial, for crimes such as acting against honor, person, chivalry or morality.
The crimes are written up, and the accused is given time to raise a defense. During the actual trial, each crime will be read out to the Order, with the defendant given time to defend themselves on each accusation. At the final reading, the accused will be alloed one more chance to defend themselves, and then a vote will be called for. No one attending who is part of the Order may refuse to vote. After the votes are counted, the verdict is read, guilty or innocent. If guilty, punishment will fit the crimes, ranging from reduction of rank, charitable services, the the extreme of expulsion from the Order, including the name Teutonic and all Order rank and privledges that entails.