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Teutonic Fighting Company Roster

All listed here are members or candidates to the Teutonics. Where applicable, I have included the earned titles and positions of the individuals. Before you go running around looking for these people, remember that part of the game of Amtgard is a Persona, which includes a different name. Some are hard to remember, and some we call for every day. Like nicknames, some just stick. Also included are the titles within the Teutonics within the ranks. Also included is a little about each one, as the humble webmaster remembers them. More information to be added later.

Active Members

  • Lord Richard Foxtwychen- Grand Master
    That's right, we follow the Fox. The running gag around here is that, when God made the world in seven days, Fox was glad there was finally somewhere to build a bar. With a tongue that cuts both ways, and a wicked duella fighting style, most stay out of the way of the "Old Man" when he's on the rampage. If there is a problem with a member, you do not go running to the monarch, or the Knights. Talk to him, we will fall in line faster to his words than any decree from the Queen (no insult there Milady!).

  • Baron Hans Schmiddtt- Leftenant/Founder
    The first, the original, the proud bearer of Thumper and Tombstone, his exotic weapons are known throughout the Kingdom. This includes one of the first Amtgard legal Batleth (yes, what Worf used) and a great collection of custom made requests. With over seventy awards to his credit, he's finally recieving his Knighthood at this year's Midreign. Three cheers from the Company for finally getting the Knighting he earned!

  • Stephan VonBorhamir- Garrison Commander Austin
    Another of the grand old men of the game, he spends most of his time lately fighting with the SCA. But that's cool, enough of our members are old SCA already. Just watch those head shots there.

  • Sir Graylin Silverstar

  • Princess Ariella- Garrison Commander Dallas

  • Sheriff Stern- Scribe
    The guy with the dirt, Stern is the rumor monger and the computer tamer that keeps us all from letting our egos from swelling too large. He now runs the Shire of Lost Mordrock, resotring to the area the pride it once had. It is a long battle, but he has not buckled under yet.

  • Sir Yonnah
    The overworked and overstressed Knight now has a life quest. Relax!!

  • K'kon

  • Jacen Sigil
    Back from his time with the SCA, he's our armor smith and bard, running around with strange instruments and some of the best garb on the field. And if he bangs that drum in my home again, he's going to be part of that drum.

  • Derf

  • Squire Cinnamon
    Recently married to her long love, she is also on the path to Knighthood, squired and collecting her awards for her work and artistry. Just watch that temper Milady...

  • Seneschal Conundrum
    A complete and absolute nobody in Amtgard, that was why Conundrum was chosen to hold the records for Lost Mordrock. This is also your slaving Webmaster for this site, so put blame where it's due for it's lacking. Toting a set of custom made Amtgard legal Wolverine claws on the field of battle, Conundrum finally stands a chance. If shields can quit their sudden impact upon the face that is.

  • Seqial

  • Asha

  • Vain

  • Great Budda Blade
    Don't let size fool you. Though... weighty in girth, he moves with a grace that will shock you, if you can survive the oversized weapons he easily swings at opponents.

  • Reyamain

  • Tormor


    As a relatively small fighting company in Amtgard, we don't just accept anyone off the streets to wear the cross with us. Following our tradition of patience, skill, and honor, there are always a few waiting in the wings to join the company. These are our candidates as of now. But don't be fooled. Though not full members of the Teutonics, we still defend our own.

  • Regent Souls Bane
    Shanghaied into the position of Regent for Lost Mordrock, he has managed to recover and respond with both grace and pluck, single handedly pulling Lost Mordrock and the Queen together for a meeting of monumental purpose. Well, it was monumental to us! Not one to let things stop him, his talents include cooking up monsters, and acting as our morale officer. Yuummmm... BEE!

  • Speedy
    Named for his speed and his ability to get into mundane trouble, he's on his way to joining full time the Cross. And if he thumps my face one more time, I'm going to introduce him to Tombstone. But he's all heart under the garb.

    Retirees, Removals, and Abandonments

    Sometimes it happens. People move, people change, people lose mircowaves and get really upset about it. These are those who were once Teutonics, but have left the fold for one reason or another. Not to be snooty, but just for the record, these people do not speak for the Teutonis, nor do they have any position with us anymore. But most are wished the best of luck in the future.

  • Chaos
    Sometimes friendships just go bad. He moved, and there was something about a microwave (and I'm not making this one up), so he retired his Teutonic Cross, going his own way. Though he might not be fond of all of us, we still remember him.

  • Chaos's Wife
    I feel horrid, I cannot remember her name. I'm a bad person. Anyways, as we all know, there are times when you have to choose sides, and she chose hers. We don't blame her, and I personally wish her the best of everything. Smile gal, it makes them wonder what you are thinking.

  • Yhamish McKrotch
    Things are finally all sorted out, and Yhamish has gone on to do his own thing. Rumor has it he's in the process of forming his own fighting company. We wish him and his wife the best of luck in the future.

  • Kattar
    Left us for personal reasons. As I was not around for this one, I'm not too sure of all the facts. I hope it went smoothly.

  • Stern's Brother
    Tog give you an idea on how much I know about all the past, I don't even know why he left. But he left voluntarily, and on decent, though not good, terms. You just never know with him. And no hard feelings about you waking me up early all the time dude. Just remember to shut to truck off when you leave it, saves on gasoline. It's not getting any cheaper to drive...