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Keyword: Martin Luther King

Washington honors a civil rights hero

By Theodore Fischer, Washington Sidewalk

Lincoln Memorial. Setting of famed "I Have a Dream" speech (Aug. 28, 1963) delivered to an audience of a quarter-million people to culminate the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

Willard Hotel. King wrote "I Have a Dream" in his room at the Willard (now the Willard Inter-Continental), 14th Street and Pennsylvania N.W.

Martin Luther King Memorial Library. Opened in 1972, the D.C. public library system's main branch is the only building in the city designed by noted Bauhaus architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. The 56-foot-long King Mural (1986) by Don Miller, in the main lobby, vividly renders the highlights of King's life and career. Copies of the King Mural, on posters or postcards, are available at the library's Books Plus kiosk.

Newseum. Freedom Park, outside the Newseum, displays a bronze casting of the door to the Birmingham, Ala., jail cell where King was confined in April 1963.

Churches. King attended the memorial Mass for JFK at St. Matthew's Cathedral. He delivered his final Sunday sermon from the Canterbury Pulpit of Washington National Cathedral.

A. Philip Randolph. If King is the father of the civil rights movement, Randolph, leader of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, is its grandfather. The 1963 March on Washington was conceived by Randolph, whose statue stands opposite Gate D in the train concourse of Union Station.

King mural. Check out the much-larger-than-life portrait of MLK – along with Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall and a typical family dinner – on the Southern Avenue wall of the Benning Park Community Center, 51st and Fitch streets S.E.

Martin Luther King Jr. Recreational Park. A major facility in the White Oak section of Silver Spring with an indoor swimming pool, a fishing pond (Martin Luther King Lake) stocked with trout and the unique Playground for All Children, which includes equipment for children with special needs.

King streets. Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue in southeast D.C.; formerly Asylum Avenue, it runs through St. Elizabeth's Hospital; and Martin Luther King Jr. Highway, Route 704 in Prince George's County from Seat Pleasant at the D.C. line to Annapolis Road near Bowie, Md.

King schools. Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School, Sixth Street and Alabama Avenue S.E.; Martin Luther King Middle School, 4545 Ammendale Rd., Beltsville, Md.; Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School, 13736 Wisteria Dr., Germantown, Md.; Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School, 13224 Nickleson Dr., Dale City, Va.

Theodore Fischer, 1801 August Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20902, Tel: 301-593-9797, Fax: 301-593-9798, email: