Title: The Birthday Present

Author: Robin the Crossover Junkie

Disclaimer: Everybody in here belongs to someone else. Except for Robin, the omniscient author. I’m her. Therefore, I own her. And I kinda own Carrie. A little. But Angel, and Spike, and anyone else who makes a little cameo appearance? Not mine. Not mine at all.

Rating: NC-17. Otherwise, what would be the point?

Author’s note: I wrote this for Carrie. She’s my dear friend. It’s her birthday. You do the math. Happy 25th, Sweetie!

“What the bloody hell are you doing, you sodding poof?” Spike crowed from the bathroom doorway, looking at his grandsire’s towel-clad form.

“What does it look like, Spike?” Angel replied. “I’m shaving. For Carrie’s birthday.”

“You’re shaving in front of the mirror, Peaches. You don’t have a reflection. What the hell good does it do you? And besides all that, Carrie’s birthday isn’t till tomorrow.”

“It’s just a habit, Spike. Relax. And I’m shaving now because it’s her birthday tomorrow.”

“You’re certifiable. I don’t even know why you have a mirror. Spend too much time with bloody humans.”

“Spike?” Angel said after a moment, his voice light and happy.

“What?” Spike said, his voice long-suffering.

“Shut up.” With that, the older vampire picked up the can of shaving gel up off the bathroom counter and sprayed Spike’s chest with it. The blonde demon looked down in shock, then at his grandsire, his mouth open like a gaping fish. The teasing glint in Angel’s eyes and the little smile he had on his face were a challenge for the blonde, who raised an eyebrow before leaping forward and stealing the shave gel from the dark-haired demon and spraying Angel’s chest with it.

Angel laughed and reached under the cupboard and pulled out another bottle of the gel, spraying it in Spike’s direction. The two vampires were laughing loudly, spraying at each other until both Spike and Angel were completely naked and covered in shave gel. Spike had been naked before hand, and Angel’s towel had slipped off in the scuffle.

Spike grinned at the older demon, leering at his obvious arousal. Angel stepped forward to embrace his lover, pressing his lips to the blonde’s pale mouth. After a moment of their tongues dancing, Spike stepped back.

“Where are you going?” Angel asked, trying to keep the whine out of his voice.

“I have an idea, pet. Trust me?”

“Never,” Angel said, smirking as his cock jumped a little at Spike’s drawl.

“Play along anyway?”

“Always,” Angel said. Spike grinned evilly at him before holding up the razor that Angel had dropped and holding it up at Angel. Suspicion crept into Angel’s grin. “What are you doing?”

“Little surprise for Carrie,” Spike said. He waggled his eyebrows mischievously. “You wouldn’t want to disappoint, would you?”

Angel smirked. “Of course not. Carrie’s the hottest woman we’ve ever had the pleasure of having sex with.”

“We haven’t had the pleasure, luv.”

“No. Not yet. But Robin promised that for Carrie’s birthday, we could have sex with her.”

“Ooh. Robin’s good to us.”

“She really is. And she’s hot, too.”

“Very hot. Too bad Wussley always hogs her.”

“It really is. So. Back to the razor.”

“Right. We’re gonna get you all nice and shaved. Hairless as a baby’s bottom.”

“You really think Carrie’d like that, Spike?”

“It was her idea.”

“Oh. Well. In that case.”

“Right then.” Spike nodded and stepped forward. He swept a dollop of the shave gel off Angel’s smooth, pale chest and started lathering the base of his proudly jutting cock. Angel groaned a little at the feeling of the smooth lather sliding over his sensitive flesh, and when Spike started to remove the hair with the razor, he bit into his bottom lip. By the time Spike had him hairless, he was thrusting his hips forward unconsciously to get friction on his ignored cock.

Spike looked up at the older vampire and smirked, taking pity on him by wrapping a cool fist around the thick member. He jerked it a few times, which was all Angel needed to throw his head back and howl as his seed spurted out over Spike’s hand. When Angel’s pupils un-dilated, he smiled at Spike and took the razor from his hand. Then Angel quickly shaved the wiry hair from the base of Spike’s cock, and dragged a groaning Spike into the shower.

Once they were rinsed, Angel started to slowly pump Spike’s shaft. Suddenly there was a banging against the door.

“What the bloody hell do you wankers want?!” growled Spike angrily.

“Cordelia had a vision! You must come quickly!” Wesley said from outside the bathroom.

“I’m trying!” Spike whined. Angel rolled his eyes and turned the water off.

“We’ll finish later, Spike.” Spike just stared at him as he wrapped himself in a towel and left the bathroom to dress quickly.

Spike finally came out of the bathroom, still in shock and very uncomfortable at his unattended-to arousal. He glanced at Wesley, who was slightly flushed and damp. Spike narrowed his eyes at him.

“Don’t whine to me, Spike. Robin and I were in the hot tub when Cordy had her vision.”

“Why doesn’t Robin do something about it? She’s the one writing this shit.” Suddenly, a large hand came from nowhere and smacked Spike upside the head. Hard. “Bloody hell!” he cried, rubbing at his head while Wesley snickered.

“Watch it. Or tomorrow, for Carrie’s birthday, I’ll let Angel and Buffy play, and make you just watch,” came an omnipotent voice. “And I won’t let you have sex with Xander anymore.”

“Sorry, luv. I’ll be good,” Spike said, begrudged.

“Good. Now, I’m going to go play with Xander. You guys will have hot sex later. Promise.”

Spike and Wesley high-fived each other, and then Spike quickly dressed and the three men left the hotel to take care of Cordelia’s vision.

When they came back, they were battered, bruised, and exhausted. Spike fell asleep cursing the Powers, blue balls, and his snoring grandsire.

Upon awakening, Angel reached down to scratch his balls, smiling at the feel of the baby-smooth skin. Then he looked over at Spike, who was glowering at him with his arms crossed across his bare chest.

“Morning,” Angel said, still a little groggy.


“What?” Angel sighed. “What did I do now?”

“You bloody left me hanging last night! I spent the whole damned time with blue balls!”

Angel rolled his eyes, and sighed again. “You whine too much.”

“Bloody do no—gah.” Angel had swooped down and engulfed Spike’s straining shaft into his mouth, sucking it straight down to the root. He bobbed his head a few times and ran his tongue along the sensitive head while Spike groaned and thrust his hips up, jerking with orgasm.

“Better?” Angel asked, smirking down at his lover.

“Er. Yes,” Spike said dazedly. “Yes.”

“Good. Because today’s the big day!”

Spike shot up into a sitting position, a grin on his face. “That’s right! It’s Carrie’s birthday!”

“We just have to wait a few hours, and then…”

“What?!” Spike cried. Then he pouted. “But I’m hard now,” he muttered.

“Oh you are, are you?” Angel said, raising an eyebrow at his grandchilde. “Again, already?”

Spike just rolled his eyes. “I’m a vampire, mate. Refraction period non-existent, remember?”

Angel looked very innocent. “Really?”

Spike pouted again. “Fix it?”

Angel smiled wolfishly. “I think that can be arranged.” Then he was pressing Spike into the bed, kissing his mouth passionately. Spike groaned happily as the older demon pushed his tongue inside, his fingers grasping at Angel’s strong biceps. Angel ground his hips down into Spike’s, who thrust his up to meet them.

Angel broke the kiss, and Spike tried to lift his head and keep them joined, but Angel pulled back too far. The he waggled his eyebrows and reached for the little tube of lubricant in the drawer beside their king-sized bed. He smiled down at his lover, who grinned back and rolled over onto his stomach, shifting himself so that his hips were raised into the air. Suddenly he stopped squirming as both he and Angel raised their eyes to the ceiling.

“You gonna let us fuck this time, Brown-Eyes?” Spike asked loudly. The large, ethereal hand descended again and whapped Spike across the back of the head. Angel snickered, so the hand whapped him on the ass. He shivered happily.

“Shut up and get fucking,” Robin’s loud voice said impatiently. Spike and Angel nodded and then set back to work.

Angel lovingly stroked the globes of Spike’s pale ass, letting his thumb brush against the tiny puckered opening. Spike pressed back wantonly, begging for release. Angel leaned forward kissed his way up Spike’s spine, until he was pressed flush against Spike’s back, his mouth licking at Spike’s exposed neck. Angel’s lubed finger wormed its way into Spike’s opening, and slowly prepared him. Before long, Spike was open and ready, slick and panting with desire.

“Ready?” Angel murmured.

“Get the hell on with it!” Spike growled, thrusting his hips back at the older vampire. Angel chuckled brokenly before finally pushing his hard cock into Spike, eliciting groans from both men.

“Oh yeah,” Angel grunted, finally all the way in. Spike sighed, then started thrusting back. Angel took the hint, and grasped his grandchilde’s hips, slowly thrusting into him. He angled his thrusts to brush against Spike’s prostate, causing Spike to moan breathlessly.

Angel’s hand reached around and started to stroke Spike’s own hardness. The pubic hair was still shaven, so the skin at the base was silky and smooth, much to Angel’s delight. He stroked quickly, wanting Spike’s orgasm to come first, and milk his own.

Angel roared, biting into Spike’s throat to drink his blood, which set Spike off. Spike cried out his climax, shooting his seed onto the bed sheets, his anal muscles clenching and unclenching repeatedly with the force of his orgasm, milking Angel’s hard erection. Angel gasped before keening out loudly when he came, filling the blonde demon with his seed.

Panting, the vampires slid bonelessly to the bed, carefully avoiding the wet spot. They snuggled a little before there was a tentative knock on the door.

Angel pulled the covers around himself, assuming that it might have been Cordelia or Fred and not wanting to shock either of them with the naked forms of the two lovers, before saying, “Come in.”

In walked a vision in red. Blonde hair flowing, massive breasts pressed together at the top of her expensively sheer lace gown, Carrie walked in, smiling.

“Robin said I should just come in,” she said, a little shy, but her eyes roamed the male bodies appreciatively.

Angel ad Spiked looked at her, then at each other, then back at her again. They locked eyes with each other one more time before saying in unison, “Humina.”


What? Did you think I’d write porn about YOU? Erm…that’s a little creepy, even for me. He he he. Hope you enjoyed!

And look! It's the other part of your gift! Keep in mind, I worked on this one for a LONG time. And it was VERY frustrating. Appreciate it. Bask in appreciation. ;)